
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

True Confessions!

True confessions: I am in love with half square triangles.
Head over heels. 
Totally smitten. Can't get enough of them!
I discovered my HST enthusiasm in 1996 (read about it here) and have been "collecting" HST blocks ever since. Friends frequently pass them to me in baggies since apparently they are not beloved by everyone! But I love them... the friends and the HSTs!

Truthfully it's not often that these triangles actually get used in projects. Perhaps this is just a collection, like when stamp collectors collect stamps but don't actually "use" them for anything. They just admire the stamps and search for unique ones. Or perhaps it's just like my sewing machine collection. I don't use all the machines, but I like to have them to admire.

This week I am playing with some half square triangle blocks from a friend that were donated to my collection. I am sewing them together on my Singer 301, pressing and trimming them and think they will make a great border for a quilt that is developing in my mind. 

Okay readers... what are you loving today? Do you love/collect/hoard half square triangles? Do you think I am crazy (be gentle!)?

Happy Valentine's Day!

Enjoy filling your life with everything you love! 💕


  1. Not Crazy at all. Those bonus Hsts are priceless . Just ask Bonnie Hunter. If you're crazy so is she.
    I like making Hourglass blocks out of mine sometimes.

  2. I have a set of HSTs, plus a bunch of triangular scrap pieces to make more. I have this great idea to make a variable sized HSTs out of my scrappy HSTs, some day. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the new additions to your collection.

  3. Not crazy at all. I like HSTs but don't want to marry one. I like Flying Geese too. Call me fickle!

  4. I have a “few” HST’s around here too. I have made table runners and small quilts out of them. We can be crazy together.

  5. Maybe we should start an HST club? I have a whole drawer full of them and would love to root around in there and organize them and dream of what I can make with them. I'll join you in the crazy's just way too much fun LOL

  6. Yes, you're crazy. Crazy like a fox! Where would we be without HSTs? We need those angles to give zing and movement to our quilts. There's a reason that boring people are called "square." :)

  7. Aqua is my new favorite color. They make lovely HST which I don't collect. Go for it.

  8. Funny you should ask, I am having a HST flirtation right now! Before I knew how to make waste-free geese, I trimmed a big pile of tiny triangles, which I am playing with now, making tiny pin wheels!

  9. Of course I think you are crazy...we wouldn't be friends otherwise!!! haha I am a collector of all things fabric. HST, baggies of little scraps and larger pieces of fabric that no one wants anymore. I am becoming the "keeper of the scraps"
    They are quilts that haven't been designed yet or at least part of quilts!! Happy Valentine's Day friend...enjoy!

  10. I love the things too, as you well know!! Is there another Tango in your future, LOL!!

  11. I love the look of HSTs, but didn't care for making them. Tried all different ways of doing it, but always needed to square them up....yada yada. UNTIL I got my Accuquilt GO Big --- now I can make them, dog ears are already lobbed off --- sew them up and no squaring up. YAY! Now I'm a lover of HSTs!!! Love the aqua, as well! ~Mindy

  12. I find HSTs to be the little sparks to a block or a project. I have them boxed by size for instant use and it does come in handy.

  13. I third the HST club! I think most of us have baggies of HST's around that we would love to do something with. If you have a club I would love to be in it. lol. Please have a club.

  14. My introduction to scrappy quilts came about because of HSTs. I took a traditional quilting class from a woman who taught us to create the "extra" HST when doing the sew and flip corners. I thought she was crazy, but I can't tell you how many "free" table toppers, table runners, mug rugs, candle mats and wall hangings I've made since then.

  15. Many a wonderful little quilt has come about from the cast-off HSTs of my friends. Currently have several bags of them--two sit beside my featherweight and serve as leader/enders.
    I have to say that I got a chuckle about your approach to the quilt you are pondering--sewing together something for the border, while you are thinking about making a quilt upon which to apply it. That is not a method I have ever employed. :)

  16. Your aqua half square triangles would go right along with 500+ ones I have already made. They will go into Bonnie Hunter's Jamestown Landing quilt. I'm using white and turquoise, aqua, teal etc. You aren't the only hoarder of these little blocks. I've got tins and boxes of them. Every once and a while I take them out and make a little quilt. I also went through my collection and was able to find about a dozen in the colors I need for my quilt. Win!

  17. I seem to collect them too! I do make an occasional quilt out of them, but I have quite a lot in baggies as well.

  18. I am collecting HTS, I have plastic packages for diferent sizes, I am sure some day they will be used in a quilt...let's see.

  19. There are so many uses for HSTs in projects. One of my favorite quilts is one I did using all those little bits.

  20. I love HST's. Lots of possibilities with them.

  21. This post just made me smile. So glad that you adore hsts! I think for me, it's more about coming to terms with them and finding a mutual respect. hehe
