
Sunday, February 04, 2018

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly linkup for all projects hand stitched. 
We welcome artists of all types. Yes you! The definition of "artist" is: a person engaged in an activity related to creating art, practicing the arts, or demonstrating an art. 
You are an artist if you have ever picked up a needle and thread and tried to make something with it. Your results may not have been stellar, A+, earth shattering brilliance, but it's a creative place to start your artistry.

This week I am starting a new hand stitched embroidery project. I admit that I already have a couple of hand stitching projects on the go, but not an embroidery one, so I "need" one of those at all times!
The new project is by Gail Pan, an Australian pattern designer, who just started a project called "I stitch club". It's a mystery quilt project with 36 stitching designs, 3 per month. I started on the bee hive block and this is how far I am at the moment.

I'm just using up floss scraps and making it a multicolour project. Should I show you my extraordinary organizational system for floss?

I have been enjoying a wonderful weekend visit with my long time quilty friend Louise. We have been doing some hand stitching together and welcoming the peace it brings to our very busy lives. I put in some embroidery stitches and Louise is knitting a pillow cover with this beautiful yarn.

What are you hand stitching today? Link up your blog post below and share your progress with us.


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Ooh I like that you're using all colours. I was tempted to but am using one variegated floss,but still wondering if I made the right choice. What is the strawberry-looking thing?, Is it some sort of needle holder?

  2. 36 designs - wow wonder what they will be like and what you will make out of them

  3. It is always a great idea to have a hand stitch project going on. Cute embroidery Kathie, and oh my! your flosses organization system is something that deserves to be improved LOL

  4. Love how your start on your newest project looks... enjoy time with your friend! I love love love the color of her yarn too! Would make a delectable scarf and mittens as well! lol Kathi

  5. Your little beehive is the bee’s knees! Have fun sewing and chatting with your friend!

  6. I joined Gail and Kathy Schmitz, but of course behind on all. Your bee hive looks great! Glad to see you up and running!

  7. Cute block Kathy. :) I have my floss stored in little plastic baggies. I don't think they have had fresh air for years.

  8. I love that you are just picking your own floss colors for this new project. You certainly have plenty to choose from.

  9. Pretty little beehive stitch going on! And that wool is lush, but oh your embroidery floss storage system would drive me insane!! lol

  10. I have a ball of floss just like yours! But I really didn't need to read about another stitchery project because of course I've got to check it out. Who can resist bee hives.

  11. Hi Kathy,
    Nothing like starting a new project. Love the pattern.
    Have a great day!

  12. Hi Kathy,
    May I ask what blue marking pen you use for your embroidery tracing?

  13. There is no denying it. You are an embroiderer by heart. How fun to stitch with a friend for a weekend!

  14. I just took my ziplock bag of floss out of the drawer today and wondered what to do with it. Perfect timing of your post! I'll have to look at the mystery stitch along. Thanks for the tip. Have a happy week.

  15. That embroidery pattern is so very cute and fun! Your work is so beautiful! And that yarn......swoon! :)

  16. EXTRAORDINARY😊floss organization system, Kathy! I like it!

  17. Your floss looked like the box I had. I passed it on when we moved. Love your embroidered beehive, very cute indeed

  18. I love Gail Pan designs, but if I tried to keep up with 3 stitched pieces per month I would never have time to quilt!!
    Love the organization system for your floss. I hope you had a patent on it before sharing it--someone will surely steal your idea and market it!! LOL

  19. My floss orginazational system is much like yours only worse. I have been tempted to throw out the big tangled wad, keep the skeins that are still in untangled state and start over.
