
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly link up for hand stitchers! Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and visit the links below for some creative inspiration. I'll be drinking day #17 of my David's tea advent calendar while I visit my favourite hand stitching blogs today. Each flavour has been enjoyable, but I think the "raspberry cream pie" was the most delicious so far!
Here's an update on my secret Christmas idea...

I wanted to knit earbud pockets for all my nieces and nephews for Christmas. It was a dismal failure. I tried really hard to learn circular knitting and I wanted it to look like the pocket on the left which my friend Wendy made. My version is on the right. Ugh.
I tried to push myself to knit every day in order to meet the deadline so I could create something wonderful for my Christmas gifts. But truly it was not enjoyable at all. It was stressful and I want to avoid stress, not create more of it in my life. It was a great gift idea that was not to be!

So I am back to hand quilting my oldest UFO today. It's so enjoyable, relaxing, peaceful, and soothing....
just the way hand stitching projects should be! Yesterday I finished quilting this block. It was very festive using the red and green threads!

What are you hand stitching today? Are your Christmas projects progressing well, or do you have a story like mine of projects gone astray! Only one more week... no pressure! Link up your blog post below and share your hand stitching with us.


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Shame your earplug pockets didn't work out! Could they be used for something else? Enjoy your sewing!

  2. I love pictures of handquilting. I'm counting the days til my quilt is ready for quilting. My target date is February 1

  3. I just LOVE your advent tea calendar!!! How fun to enjoy some tea each day until Christmas!!! Maybe you can reuse it each year with your own teas or other fun stuff in each calendar day too !
    Sorry your ear bud holders didn't work out... maybe you could make some from some fun flannel with elastic or cord in the top to keep them safe.
    I love that you are working on your oldest ufo today... enjoy!

  4. You could always make earbud holders out of felted wool.... I am currently hooked on Sleigh Ride tea from David’s tea. Hope you have time for more stitches today.

  5. I love your hand quilting. I am finally linking up again for a binding on a quilt. I haven't done much hand work this holiday season.

  6. and that is why I do not try to make xmas gifts - I do not want the stress, if I make something early in the year that will turn out to be gift fine but I don't want the fall to turn into a stressful period of my life by getting presents made.

  7. sorry to hear about the knitting....I tried to learn a few years back and gave up, thinking to just stick with the quilting ! :)

  8. I have been knitting and making mistakes as well - my Mom won't mind though! Glad that you have moved onto something less stressful for you. :)

  9. When it becomes stressful it is time to get rid of that project as it is not worth it! You did well by doing what you did. Sometimes I hang in there too long, but trying to change that one - 1 day fo intense stress and it is gone!

  10. Bummer that project didn't work out for you. I remember Angela making some from fabric with a zipper... might be an option? Good luck and try not to stress.... you know kids always love gift cards!

  11. I always want to make more gifts than I actually have time for...I need to get started earlier!

  12. Oh dear, on not being happy with your knitted pockets. I do not enjoy working with more than one knitting needle either. Perhaps another time, you could try knitting them on straight needles and then seaming the ends together as I empathize with your motivation for gift making. Your knit stitches look great. Simple sewing with needle and thread is relaxing.

  13. Making gifts that give you stress, takes all the fun out of the giving. Enjoy your festive quilting. I have no time for stitching or blogging right now with finals to grade, but I will take a couple of breaks and read some of the link-ups. Thanks for hosting. Merry Christmas!

  14. Hi Kathy! I finally managed to work in a link-up with your party, even if it is through Instagram - so happy!!! Your idea to knit earbud holders is perfect - I bet if you kept at it you'd get better results. I may have to think about something like that for birthdays for my tween grands :)

  15. I am glad that you shared your ear buds project which did not turn out as perfectly as you had hoped. For someone like me just learning all this, it helps me to not feel so alone with making mistakes, etc. Meanwhile there is no mistaking what a fabulous quilter you are!
