
Friday, December 15, 2017

Happy Friday!

It's mystery Friday! 
Step #4 of the Quiltville mystery project was posted today and I can hardly wait to get in the sewing room to start cutting and sewing wings! I have some quilty friends coming over to sew tonight for our last Friday Night Sew In for 2017.

This is one of my symbols of contentment... 
a box of carefully sewn, counted (and pinned together in groups of 10) blocks for my mystery quilt. Unlike life, everything in this box is organized, orderly and predictable!
A huge thank you to Bonnie for this annual tradition that brings me so much relaxation and fun!


  1. It does feel good to have something in order, wish I could say the same. I hope to get to her mystery soon, until then I love seeing what you and others have done.

  2. How can a mystery quilt be predictable?

  3. Ohhhh pretty!! I know what you mean...I like my organized box, too!! Have fun with your sewing, and I always love to see what you are up to!

  4. Good job. I wish I was up to you but I'm off to print clue 4 and hopefully get some sewn today.

  5. Way to go! I got clue 3 cut and that is time and this weekend not looking too good either!

  6. Love seeing it all in one box! Good job! I still have to finish Clues 2 & 3, but dove right in on part 4 today at the LQS with some Mystery Newbies.

  7. I did a bit of catch up yesterday and got clue 3 cut and underway.Today is baking and maybe more of clue 3 and onto #4!!

  8. I've joined Bonnie's mystery for the first time. My box isn't as neat and organized, and I am not caught up, but I am enjoying it so far.
