
Monday, November 13, 2017

Design Wall Monday

Meadow Mist is gifting us a free mystery quilt called Magnolia Mystery. It started in the summer and a new step is posted once a month. The pace is perfect to work on in between all the other quilts we are creating.

I finished trimming the bazillion HST blocks from September, and began assembling the units from the November instructions. Here are some of my blocks on the design wall, in an arrangement that has nothing to do with the pattern. I'm feeling very virtuous using up all these scraps from other projects! Nothing will be purchased for this lap quilt (except maybe some backing fabric if I run out of scraps).
In addition to enjoying a fun mystery project, there are terrific prizes to be won by those who finish their project by February. It's not too late to join in the fun!
Linking up to Small Quilts and Oh Scrap!


  1. I like that yellow and grey, I recently did a quilt for a friend in those colors.

  2. I am loving that yellow and black combo! Can't wait to see what the outcome really is!

  3. These blocks look awesome! I am really enjoying seeing everyone's blocks!

  4. These blocks are so sunny and bright. I love the yellow and gray together. Thanks for the link to the mystery.

  5. Oh, I do love that color scheme! Yellow black and grey and white!!! and I like that block design too!

  6. I agree with the others, your color choice is wonderful. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap! I am looking forward to seeing the final layout.

  7. You're a Busy Bee while waiting for the Quiltville Mystery. Yellow and Black like a Bumble bee. Counting the days...

  8. You're a Busy Bee while waiting for the Quiltville Mystery. Yellow and Black like a Bumble bee. Counting the days...

  9. I'm on to you, Kathy. You want the rest of us to have as many quilts in the works as you have, don't you? Well, I have developed just enough resistance to enjoy seeing all of your lovely projects, wish I had something just like it, and then walk away. Ha Ha. :)

  10. I love your color combo. I am resisting the urge to follow the link as I have too many projects to finish, but I love seeing your progress!

  11. Very nice scrap combination! Yellow and gray can be so pretty together.

  12. Lovely block - I like your color combination. Thanks for linking up with Design Wall Monday - it's fun to watch your progress.

  13. Very dramatic fabric combinations. It's very different than your normal color choices. It's going to be gorgeous!

  14. The blocks look great. And the scraps play well together. Very nice!
