
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Quilting Grand Illusion

Grand Illusion is closer to becoming a finished quilt. A backing was made from fabric pieces leftover from piecing the quilt top, including the sashings that I removed because they had a green fabric that I decided I didn't like in the quilt. It's much more labour intensive to piece a quilt backing than to buy yardage or a wide backing, but I'm so happy about using up all these leftovers! And it's almost like having a reversible quilt!
The machine quilting will be all stitch-in-the-ditch between the blocks and straight through the middle of all the blocks (horizontally and vertically) using the walking foot. It's boring, but a quick way to finish a quilt.

I thought I might need to invest in a a new pair of Machinger gloves (used for greater control when machine quilting) because the coating on the fingers seemed to be wearing out. But when I compared the old gloves to the new ones, I could hardly believe it! Oh my goodness I was WAY past needing new gloves!


  1. GReat Grand illusion fabrics- I stayed with the Bonnie colors - I wasn't as adventuresome - yours are great

  2. I really like your fabric choice for your Grand Illusion quilt. A beautiful quilt you made. I pieced my backing for the first time it was fun but time consuming. A good /new pair of gloves makes such a difference , isn't it funny how we put off replacing things like rotary blades, gloves etc.
    Happy quilting and enjoy your day.

  3. You put more effort into the back of that quilt than I often like to put into a front!!
    Oh, I have done that before with Machingers. Kind of like not replacing the rotary blade until it is so dull you are practically sawing to cut the fabric. Why do we do those things?

  4. I think you got you're moneys worth on those gloves. The left one will make a great scarecrow glove in the fall - ha!

  5. I love your romantic colors in the Grand Illusion quilt!

  6. This is going to be a great quilt, Kathy.

  7. YEAH!!! The back looks great! Happy quilting. Take breaks... Don't want to bother those shoulders and neck.

  8. Is the black, white & gray squares section of the backing pieced or a printed piece of fabric? Makes a great addition to the backing.

  9. Wonderful progress. It will look great when its all done. I like to use up leftovers on the back too, and yes they are labor intensive! Those gloves do wear out and get grimy.

  10. Congrats on being so close to finishing Grand Illusion.
