
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Scrappy Saturday Spools Quilt Top!

My RSC goal for this month was to finish sewing together my scrappy spools quilt top.
Drum roll please....mission accomplished!

There are 612 scrappy spool blocks in this quilt!
I don't mind saying that was a lot of hard work to get this quilt top together and I appreciate those of you who have put up with my complaining over the past few weeks on the RSC link up posts. Thank you for all the encouraging comments and emails! 
There were so many seams to match from blocks made over the last 3 1/2 years. I started making spool blocks in July 2013 (read about it here).
I started working on the layout in April 2015, but it was hard work and required concentration I didn't have at that time. I took it to quilt camp in February this year and with the encouragement and organizational assistance of my fellow quilters, I got the top organized, photos taken, and some momentum going to make more progress on this thing.
When I commit to doing something, I do it! And in spite of all the distractions, other projects, and preparations for Christmas, I met my goal and finished this top. Can you tell I am excited?!? 
Now I am thinking about how to quilt it. I have a few ideas, but will put off making that decision until the New Year.
To see more RSC finishes, hop over to the link up.


  1. Kathy, it's beautiful. Congratulations on getting it all together.

  2. Wow!! This quilt is going to be amazing! The quilt top is so beautiful!!!

  3. Just fabulous!!! Congratulations on finishing this beautiful quilt.

  4. Your spools quilt is incredibly beautiful! I love the rainbow wash of colors. Good for you on meeting your goal.

  5. Fantastic effort. It looks wonderful.

  6. It looks wonderful - definitely worth all of that concentration. ;)

  7. Huge sigh of relief and giant congratulations! So worth it all.

  8. You did a fabulous job! Look at all those lovely, tiny blocks flowing together.

  9. Congratulations Kathy, the quilt looks amazing!

  10. Congratulations on taking these blocks to the flimsy stage. It's lovely. Now that your OMG is done, what will you do with all that spare time? (lol). ;^)

  11. You have good reason to be excited; that quilt is just fabulous! Congratulations! Wendy at

  12. What a beautiful quilt! Many hours were spent on those blocks and the end result is gorgeous. Well done Kathy!

  13. Wow! That is a lot of spool blocks! It is beautiful!

  14. That is gorgeous! Congrats on an amazing finish. Just beautiful.

  15. Simply spectacular -- congratulations on this MAJOR finish!

  16. It's just gorgeous!! Love the way you placed the colors, beautiful.

  17. That is gorgeous, Kathy! Ditto everyone above! Beautiful rainbow color! Congratulations on sticking with it and reaching your goal.

  18. Great top. That is a LOT of little blocks!!

  19. Woooow, Kathy, well done! It is really gorgeous. I'm sure it feels great to have this top done. :D

  20. This looks great! I'm glad you persevered and now have a completed top. I have a quilt needing setting triangles that I can't get to lay flat. You've giving me some encouragement to get it done. Thanks!

  21. Drum roll, indeed! What a great lot of matching beautiful blocks!

  22. It looks fabulous, Kathy! Top marks for persistence!!

  23. Wow, no wonder you are excited! It looks spectacular. And I can only imagine how difficult it was to match those seams!

  24. I wish I had that kind of drive and determination. Outstanding finish! Sincere congratulations!

  25. A big Congrats! I can't wait to see how you decide to quilt it!

  26. Gorgeous! Definitely worth the effort!

  27. This came out so beautifully. I've loved to follow this project, and it has been really inspireing. Happy quilting.

  28. Oh so pretty. Looking forward to reading about how you quilt it.

  29. A terrific accomplishment. You really hung in there all through the ups and downs. Congrats on a fine top finish. Take good care of yourself and take it easy for a bit.

  30. Congratulations Kathie for this amazing finish XXX

  31. Love this to pieces!!
    Can't believe all of the progress you have been making on big projects lately! (Can you tell I am jealous?) : )
    Great job, Kathy!

  32. So proud of you my did it!!!

  33. Congrats on finishing the quilt top!! I bet you like it alot more now!! I am glad you finish projects, that is a wonderful goal & encourages me. Happy Holidays.

  34. Wow!!!! Congratulations on such a huge accomplishment!! I love it! =)

  35. Congratulations on a gorgeous finish!

  36. Great looking quilt. Congratulations on thinking ahead so you were able to create this lovely piece.
