
Monday, November 07, 2016

Design Wall Monday

One of my projects that I would like to finish by the end of the year is the Scrap Dance Tango. I started this quilt in February and finished 12 blocks. Then I decided I wanted to make it bigger and needed 20 blocks (4 blocks across and 5 blocks down). Here are the blocks on the design wall. The bottom blocks are only partially finished and I need the components to make one more complete block. It's so close to becoming a quilt top!

This is such a wonderful scrappy project and there are hundreds of fabrics in these blocks. But every once in a while I come across a block I just have to fix. When I am trying to sew random scrappy blocks how is that these two fabrics ended up right beside each other?!? I remind myself that "random" does not mean evenly spaced. However, I really can't leave it like that! The seam ripper is ready to separate them!
I am linking this post to Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times.


  1. Oh I would just leave it. It is scrappy . I am happy with the finished product. Do what makes you feel happy

  2. This quilt is amazing, and wow, so many pieces. I'm sure that side-by-side piece wouldn't even be noticed in the final quilt, but I totally get that you have to rip it. I'd do the same thing because once I saw it, it would bug me. :O)

  3. I had just about forgotten about this one ! So close ! :)

  4. I know that you'll change those fabrics, I think it would bug me, too, but I don't think that particular fabric will be too noticeable really.

  5. That is looking really great!! I wouldn't worry about those two patches, but I understand sometimes you just gotta fix something. Thanks for the link back!

  6. I love to leave those kinds of blocks. My ornery side giggles a bit because I know a couple people that this drives crazy. LOL Now I will add your name to the list. ;) My daughter can spot the one block from a mile away.
    Love this quilt. I do believe you will meet your goal of a finished top before too long.

  7. Love this quilt in all its scrappiness! You're making great progress! Wendy at

  8. Oh so by correcting what you think is a mistake, you have the starting point for the last block you are missing. Love the layout, the blocks seem to sparkle on the design wall.

  9. My Scrap Dance Tango is sewn together, but sitting here waiting while I try to decide whether to add a border or not. And I made way too many HST so I have lots of extra parts to use some day. And I understand your desire to separate the same fabric next to each other because I do that too, but I'm not always successful. Everyone is right. Most people will never notice.

  10. LOVE this!! A gorgeous scrap creation.
    I am one that arranges and rearranges to separate "like" fabrics, but I have to say--I would leave that be. It is a busy quilt and those are not bright fuschia. It will NOT be noticeable. But I know you have probably done it by now. : )

  11. This is gorgeous! So many tiny bits and pieces and scrappy goodness.

  12. It's insult enough they are in the same block but then they have to touch?

  13. I love this project! It’s perfectly gorgeous and scrappy. You’re so close to it being finished!

  14. Wow! What a great scrappy quilt. My eye would go straight to that block, too. Especially once I saw the two pieces next to each other. No one else would notice, though. You are almost finished! Woohoo!!

  15. Love the scrappy look, almost there !!

  16. Maybe when I've finally sorted my scraps, I'll try a few of these. Congrats on your near finish.

  17. It is inevitable that like pieces are going to end up next to each other. That's why you have to examine the blocks like the dickens. Last year I was making a scrap quilt for a old bachelor fellow I know. When I got looking closely at the blocks and there was a woman's torso (a dressform) in an obvious place in the quilt. I felt uncomfortable about that and finally replaced it with another fabric square. Silly, I know.

  18. Love scrappy blocks and quilt doll or bed size....Look forward to your are almost there!!!

    I am new to your fun blog, Kathy and will visit you again!!


  19. They barely touch. Pretty scrappy-ness happening on your wall.

  20. Such a fun scrap quilt. Hopefully the time with the seam ripper was really short.
