
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

UFO Progress

Some progress is being made this month with my "Grandmother's Choice: Votes For Women" UFO. Finally!
I did not fuss around about the layout much. I set a timer for a half hour and gave myself that amount of time to do some block switching. I tried to spread around the blocks with strong colours (gold, greens, reds, etc) and separate them from each other. I also tried to place the applique blocks around evenly. 
Here are the strips hanging on the design wall. There are 6 columns of 8 blocks. I decided to sew three sets of two columns and I will baste and machine quilt them in these sections. It should be totally manageable, right?
Okay... now, I have to decided how to quilt each block!!!


  1. Congrats on all the progresss!

  2. Looks great and well balanced

  3. Good job of distribution. Maybe I should try the timer method sometime. : )
    Good luck on the quilting decisions. I think a mix of pieced and applique blocks in a sampler presents a greater challenge. I'll be curious to see how you resolve it.

  4. Love seeing the progress! Looks beautiful ♥

  5. It's looking great!! You'll be so happy when it is done!

  6. I'm curious about how you plan to join the three sections after you've quilted them.

  7. Looks great. I only see one block I would have asked about lol.

  8. The block rearranging is always the hardest. When its a scrappy quilt, no matter how hard you try there's always two blocks side by side. LOL. Love how this is coming together.

  9. I love the 30 minute time limit!!! never thought of that...I spend days.
    Yours looks great!

  10. So nice to see these blocks coming out to play! I have fond memories of making them and watching everyone's blocks take shape. Looks like you have a good plan!
