
Monday, October 24, 2016

Design Wall Monday - Allietare

The push is on to finish Allietare (Bonnie Hunter's 2015 mystery) before her 2016 mystery starts in November! 
I want to at least get the blocks sewn together. I didn't sew the setting triangle blocks and have decided to use a black Jo Morton print instead. I have all the setting triangles cut and the blocks are going up on the design wall. This is how it is looking today. Yum!

I was at the London Friendship Quilters' Guild show on the weekend and saw a finished Allietare sewn by Maureen Haynes. She even made the scalloped edges! Seeing this quilt totally inspired me to finish mine.
SO I put aside the Circa challenge, and am throwing myself into Allietare this week.
I'll be over at my sewing machine if you need me!
To see more design wall postings, hop over to Patchwork Times.


  1. I am so impressed! Such an ambitious project and sew refreshing to see so many little pieces!

  2. Bonnie's quilts always have lots of pieces and look great when they are done! Yours is looking good! Keep sewing!

  3. I love your version and the Jo Morton dark border is perfect.

  4. Love this with the dark setting triangles. It just makes the quilt stand out and sparkle.Good luck.

  5. I am very happy to hear that my quilt inspired you to finish your Allietare. I really like your dark setting triangles. Thank you for coming to our quilt show.

  6. Love the darker setting triangles. WOW! It makes the quilt pop. Good luck with your goal. ;^)

  7. The colors of the quilt along with the design are just fabulous! Love it! Wendy at

  8. I like the black inset triangles on your quilt. I don't participate in mystery quilt projects, but I do save the patterns just in case. I have Alletaire saved and maybe someday I'll sew one too. Have a great day! Blessings, Gretchen

  9. Dare you to do the scalloped border too....I did!!!

  10. it looks like it is a very good size quilt. I just saw recently that Bonnie had another mystery staring soon

  11. I like your setting triangles. Good luck on finishing the quilt. I have only done two of the mysteries.

  12. Good luck! I can't decide if this is what I should be doing too. I think I've been working on the same few projects for too long now. :D

  13. Ooh, I love your black stripe fabric on the outside, all the stripes going in the same direction. Very beautiful!

  14. The dark setting triangles make a frame for your Allietare. Have fun finishing the flimsy. Quiltcam Tuesday! I'm excited!

  15. Good call on the setting triangles. I like the black in there, but then I love black most everywhere! : )
    When I do a Bonnie design I often opt for simpler borders than hers. For one thing I run out of energy for the quilt by the time I get to the borders. For another, I like to give the eye a place to rest.

  16. It seems we're in the same boat, and about at the same place pushing to get Allietare done. Onward!!

  17. Good luck on finishing your quilt.:)

  18. I still have yet to finish my version of Alliatare.......I got the QOV version finished after the finale. I am right there with you!

  19. I just think Allietare is one of Bonnie's best. The black setting triangles add a nice touch. I haven't quilted mine yet but I know I'll enjoy the process when the time comes.

  20. Your Allietaire quilt is looking amazing.

  21. I agree - this is looking Gorgeous!

  22. I really like the black setting triangles. Your version of Allietare is stunning. Mine is done. I'd planned on linking up for the Monday posts, but no Internet. So I'll save it for the Wednesday post.
