
Sunday, July 03, 2016

Slow Sunday Stitching

Slow Down
In my blogland travels I came across the humorous website for the IINDM which is "The International Institute of Not Doing Much". Even the title makes me smile! Their goal is to encourage you to slow down, and their guiding principal is "Do less, slowly". I love how counterculture that message is, and how perfectly it fits with the goal of Slow Sunday Stitching. If you want to learn some tips on how to slow down , click here. And if you need to learn more about the debilitating illness of "gettingthingsdoneitis", click here.

After all the hand stitching to finish my Swoon quilt last week, I was eager to get back to working on Life Is Beautiful blocks again. It was a long time since I worked on this block, and the iron-on transfer had faded so much I couldn't see it well enough to complete the stitching. So I traced over parts of the pattern by hand, which is slightly different from parts of the iron-on pattern as you can see in places. Oh well.
Life is Beautiful block #25

Here is the finished block... it's not my favourite design or saying, but it's one more block ready to be appliqued to a base 4 patch block.  I'm trying not to be annoyed that my circles are not very circular!

So just for today, let's all try to "sew less, slowly"! Try to focus on actually enjoying your hobby and feeling more relaxed with each stitch you take, and not worrying about whether circles turn out to be round or not! Try not to make too much progress while you are enjoying all the benefits of the relaxation you are bringing to your life! 
Link up your blog post below and share what you are slowly hand stitching today!


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Do less slowly - nice sentiment! I think I've probably got gettingthingdoneitis. I'll definately try to do some slow stitching today (that should help) 😁

  2. That's right up my alley! I'm the pokiest sew-er I've ever met! I'm pokey, period. My dad used to tell me the only person he knew slower than me was his 85 year old mother! But, somehow, the day's still fly by. Go figure! Have a great day!

  3. Your block looks great. Your feelings about it made me remember an NPR interview with Norman Lear yesterday. He says the two most important words are "over" and "next". I want to remember this, I think it will be helpful in life!

  4. I have been in the very very slow mode for the past two weeks. Your post made me feel much better tonight. Thank you.
    Kathleen Mary

  5. The important thing is to love ... a good Sunday to you
    hugs from Brazil

  6. I have to chuckle . . . my post today is called SLow Stitching Quickly. Then new 1957 blocks were posted Fri and I jumped right in then took a whole day to stitch up each simple block.

  7. I like the saying but I have to admit that the picture is lacking. I can't see your claim that your circles aren't circular as they look fine to me. Thanks for hosting. Enjoy your stitching.

  8. I joined the IINDM. I like a good counterculture message. Most of your circles are perfect. However it would lack interest if they all were perfectly round so yours is better if not best. Thanks for hosting the best link up around!

  9. Hi,
    Love your Life is beautiful embroidery circle. Very pretty and it looks like a circle so it passes. Have a great day!

  10. A good reminder today. Because of my work year, I tend to try and overload my summer break and then feel like I have not relaxed. So the do less and savor it idea is a good one for me to adopt this month.

  11. I'm finally learning how to slow down after many years of working and rushing around to get things done. Thank you for the help in this area. I love your Life is Beautiful blocks and this was is no exception. I still want to order the pattern and have it bookmarked so I can order it to arrive after we get back home in September.

  12. I've slowed down so much I'm not sewing at pin basting though...if you can count that. I need to pick up my 365 circles and keep on plugging...hugs, Julierose

  13. I love your Life is beautiful blocks and can't see anything wrong with the circle. Happy slow stitching!

  14. Thanks for the reminder to slow down! I'm linking for the first time...thanks for hosting!

  15. Wiser words have never been spoken! Enjoy each stitch! :-)

  16. I got lots of stitching done on Sunday. Our dogs don't like the fireworks (Holiday in the USA), so, I watched several DVD's, with the dogs in the room, trying to 'mask' the sound of the fireworks.

  17. That's my kind of institute!

  18. I love the block you did, and I think the circles are exactly as they should be. That institute button made me smile.
