
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Slow Sunday Stitching - Max Report

Relaxation is good, holidays are necessary, but there is nothing as rewarding and healthy as doing what you love and loving what you do.”  Ogwo David Emenike

What are you doing today? Something you love to do? I am!

Granddog Max is visiting this weekend. No one does relaxation like Max! He insists that you stop what you are doing, and enjoy some relaxation and love. He just puts himself between you and whatever task you are trying to accomplish. Then he gives you the stare down until you comply. Here he is during his last visit - getting between me and my laptop. How can I resist that cuteness?!?
Since his last visit he had a haircut, but not an attitude adjustment. This photo was taken yesterday while I was trying to do some hand quilting. Max parked himself between me and the hoop. It's hard to reach around a dog to quilt, but I will keep trying... to give Max attention and to get some stitches in.

It's Slow Stitching Sunday! Time to relax and do what you love! Pick up your stitching and enjoy a few moments of peacefulness today.
Link up your blog post below and share your project with us.


  1. Aw, Max is just too cute! That little face! I hope you manage to get some quilting done in between giving him attention :-)

  2. thanks for sharing Max with us :) I have a pup who lays on my quilts anytime they reach her vicinity to enjoy! lol Lucky me to keep her nails trimmed I haven't had any quilty casualties yet... Enjoy your slow stitching around your Max loving times... I am almost done with the slow stitches going in my granddaughters quilt... no time to blog yet.. but hope to have a completed quilt to share next week :) Merry Christmas season Kathy! Kathi

  3. He's always ready to pose and make us smile! :)

  4. He's always ready to pose and make us smile! :)

  5. Oh dear, it would be hard to quilt around that little cutie. Enjoy your time together.

  6. We had not seen Max for a while. Glad to hear he is up to his usual tricks! Obviously he thinks he is more important than quilting or anything else you might want to do! Give him a little hug from me! Have fun trying to stitch today!

  7. Such a cutie, I imagine giving in to his demands is much easier than trying to work around him :-)

  8. Hopefully you've gotten in both some cuddle time and some stitching time this weekend.

  9. Max is adorable! How can you resist? But I hope you get some sewing done!

  10. That Max is such a cutie! My Bruster does the same thing or he'll stare at me with his ears back and a sad look when I'm at the sewing machine. So pathetic! LOL

  11. Ahhhh...puppy love!

    Don't know what happened to my pic shows. I tried to delete and start again but couldn't figure out how.

  12. Oh, too cute! Furkids are great reminders to relax.

  13. I have to block our large dog out of the sewing room (he takes up all the floor space). The little dog has her own bed, under one of my sewing cabinets.

  14. I have a cat like Max - not helpful, but too darn cute! Love the new header image Kathy. Love scraps too! Hope you enjoyed a peaceful day today and managed not to make your arms ache!

  15. LOL! Well . . . that's sure one way to slow down your stitching right? Keep up the good work, Max!! :)

  16. Max's look seems to say, "I double-dog dare you."

  17. my two do that....Callie just likes to lie on me and sometimes I can still squeeze in some stitching but Lila insists on being patted or stroked and will not leave my hands alone if I don't....not easy to do anything so I just comply until she has had enough or I have had 'quite' enough...but I can't resist those puppy eyes....Max is adorable!

  18. I wouldn't get any work done either with that pup on my lap! Our dog is a cuddler too and if he's all comfy and you try to get up - he gives you an adorable little growl! At 16 lbs he's not too intimidating but don't tell him that! LOL
