
Sunday, September 06, 2015

Slow Sunday Stitching - No Labour

labour day Canada

Happy Labour Day weekend! 
This annual holiday has its origins in the fight for fair labour practices including limiting work to an 8 hour day. According to Wikipedia there was an 8 hour day movement in the 1800's which advocated for workers to have 8 hours for work, 8 hours for recreation, and 8 hours for sleep. 

How's that for a healthy, balanced life style?!? How far have we come since then? How many employees are able to actually leave their work at work, and go to their home to enjoy 16 hours of work-free time in every 24 hour period? And how many employees are able to set a boundary that ensures that they have a weekend free of anything to do with their employment, in order to rest and rejuvenate their mind, body and spirit? 
Well, today's the day to not give a thought to work, to spend your recreation time doing activities that renew your creativity. Can you guess what I will be doing?
I intend to spend quality time with my needle and thread, while reflecting on the  importance of a healthy, balanced life style. I will be cutting more orange pumpkin seeds to work on this month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. This is the Leaves Galore ruler that I use to cut the shapes. And I use the Frixion pen to mark the edge to stitch on.

Then I will hand applique the seed shapes to background squares. It's very easy and relaxing stitching.

I hope you have lots of stitching time today, and no labour that must be done on this Labour Day weekend!  Link up your hand stitching blog post below and share your project with us.


  1. I have one peel to go in the way of August dark scraps before hitting orange but I am glad that yours inspired me to start some of my own :)

  2. The only "labor" I'll be doing this weekend will be slow stitching. ;-)

  3. What a perfect project for autumn, it's orange and it's seeds! I think we're going to see a lot more orange popping up over the coming weeks - makes me smile as it's my favourite colour! Enjoy your day Kathy :)

  4. Looks like you've got some colorful stitching to relax you today.

    I think we've taken a step backward on the 8 hour day thing. With cell phones and lap top computers, many office workers are expected to handle work when they are home, on vacation etc. It's a lot harder to be unreachable than it used to be.

  5. Lots of labour going on here this weekend, unfortunately. The big job that I have been doing for the last few months is going to be done soon. Then, I will be able to get back to quilting and having more time for slow stitching. Love your orange Orange Peels!

  6. Love orange peels - your orange ones look yummy!

  7. Enjoy your stitching. You found some great orange fabrics.

  8. Mostly labor going on here too...I take x rays in a hospital so every day we're's okay though...when we're slow I can stitch! I take my sewing kit in my work tote and can usually get in a little hand piecing...

    Love your orange is a fun color to me...adds a nice spark to my drab prim quilts...

  9. Just standard cooking and watching kids for me with some hand stitching and visiting with family this weekend. Enjoy your weekend Kathy.

  10. I wish we could all enjoy more fun time! Seems like things are so stressful these days. Not sure the rat race is really worth all the effort! Enjoy your stitches

  11. I've never seen that leaf tool before--I'll have to look into it! Have a lovely holiday!

  12. Your orange "Orange Peels" lol--are so cute! We are enjoying a quiet weekend here in SE CT...breathing in the cool, fresh air that has visited us...hugs, Julierose

  13. Happy Labor Day Kathy. Enjoy your time stitching the orange peels.

  14. Happy Labor Day Kathy. Enjoy your time stitching the orange peels.

  15. Happy Labor Day! Love your orange peels. That's a great way to use your orange scraps.

  16. Happy Labor Day Kathy! Love your Leaf orange peels! That is a great ruler! I hope you enjoy your Slow Stitching day!
    xo jan

  17. Yes, we do work too many hours in a day. I have plans to put a stop to that this school year. It involves much planning so I can be ready to go but so far, I am off to a good start.

  18. Have a great weekend! I see a new ruler in my future...
