
Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Tidying up (a.k.a. starting a new project)

One of my biggest challenges of being a quiltaholic is keeping my space "workable". I won't even use the word "clean" because that will never happen! 
When I am working on a project, my cutting table looks like this. And my sewing room has piles of fabric everywhere, pieces voted off the project, pieces waiting to be cut up, block parts in various stages of construction, and maybe even another pile of fabric being auditioned for a completely different project to start after this one!
Everything is a creative mess. I have written blog posts about this before (click here to read one of my faves).
I know this is how I roll. It's how I sew and it's part of my creative process. But once in a while things get totally out of control and something drastic needs to happen.

I really really wish that when a project is finished, the tidy up fairies would come in and re-organize everything for me. They would put the equipment back where it belongs, sort the scraps into a well organized system, run the vacuum around to pick up all the threads, etc. But the fairies never show up. Eventually I get sick of the mess and start to tidy things up. 
But then... I come across a great scrappy treasure. All thoughts of tidying up are conveniently forgotten. I start working on a different project, and make an even bigger mess.
Look what I found while cleaning today? These are baby HST's from Under the Sea. When they are put together like this they form pinwheels. They are so cute and just need pressing and trimming.
What do you think of this layout?


  1. Love your new little do seem a bit distractible. I am in the same club! Quilt on!

  2. Love the layout! Also I love that your workspace looks just like mine.

  3. So glad it is not just me who works that way in the sewing room! Very cute with the blue in the middle.... how would it look the opposite way with white in the middle blue on the outside?

  4. My sewing room is the same way - except I never seem to find time to tidy up. I've come to the conclusion that my only option is to finish projects as fast as possible to get them OUT of the sewing room!

  5. I only have one word for ya....."SQUIRREL"!!!!!

  6. cute, it's great cleaning up though, because you find stuff you forgot about and get inspired!
    I had to clear my whole sewing table because 8 ladies from my quilt guild are coming here for a meeting, so the last 2 hrs I've had ALL these ideas for sewing OF COURSE, but instead just look at pinterest etc....

  7. Another cute accidental start! When did you sneak in and take a pic of my cutting table?

  8. I do exactly the same thing! I finally break down and clean u when I can no longer stand the chaos--but I have a pretty high tolerance for chaos. :0)

  9. Our sewing spaces could be twins... but after reading this post on Sew Mama Sew, I've embraced my style.
    Here's the post by Cheryl Arkinson:

    And I put her words on the wall next to my sewing machine - "...I am simply willing to embrace the ideas and inspiration as they come. To me, this all represents creative freedom and opportunity."

    Hope you enjoy the read as much as I enjoy reading your blog. Cheers!

  10. I put blinders on when I did my clean/clear up. A lot of 'founds' got boxed and sent on to others.

  11. LOL, I had to squint to see the pinwheels! Those fabrics don't have much contrast in the blocks. Cleaning is only for when company is coming... I little NEW mini to break up the monotony.

  12. When I opened this post, I thought "Hey! How'd she get a picture of my cutting table?!?"
    If that fairy ever does show up, would you please send her my way when she's finished?

  13. This post could have been written by or for me!!!! One day I will have an organised sewing space........... In the meantime I just love discovering hidden treasures when starting to clear up :)

  14. I wish I could enjoy the mess of my very own craft room, but it is our basement and if I don't mostly clean up, my clean obsessive hubby does. This is never a good thing. I really love those blue HSTs. I am not sure I like the current layout though.

  15. I like that layout! My room would never be cleaned if I didn't have to move stuff to find what I need.

  16. This happened to me recently too! Cleaning up and finding treasure to play with us both a perk and downfall of cleaning a creative space!

  17. Oh what I wouldn't give to dig though your scraps! LOL!

  18. Quiltaholic - I didn't know there was a name for my condition! My cutting table looks the same.

  19. Reasonably neat is doing great, as far as I'm concerned. I had to move several projects, back and forth, today, since, they were on the cutting table, then moved to the ironing board, back and forth, until I finally put them out in the hall. I was making a quilt backing, so, I needed the cutting table AND the ironing board.

  20. Finding a permanent home for scraps should be considering part of the cleaning up process. Getting them all stitched together makes it easier to get them out of the mess permanently.

  21. My cutting table looks the same. I work better in a bit of disorganization. Tried cleaning up my space and got little done.

  22. Oh this is so me... I wish some cleaning fairies would work their magic for me too! I enjoyed this post, thank you Kathy
