
Monday, May 04, 2015

Design Wall Monday

Yep... it's Carolina Chain blocks still on the design wall. 
I am finally getting a grip on the border and making some progress. It took me quite a while to figure out the corner blocks I liked the best, and then I struggled with the math for the side borders. 
Everything looked like it should work on the paper, but then somehow it didn't translate to the fabric! 

And sewing the borders together like this doesn't help!! 
Honestly, what is going on here?
Focus... focus!
To see more design wall postings, hop over to Patchwork Times.

I will have to put this project as my "UFO of the month" for May, and hope that it is easier to work with this month. Hop over to A Lovely Year of Finishes to see more finished UFO wishes for this month.

And I didn't even do any binding in the month of April, so I can't enter Julie's Binding Blitz. Clearly I need to pull up my socks and get in the sewing room! I also have a Scrap Squad quilt that needs to come together asap, and it is being a "problem child" too.


  1. Looking good even with the mishap. Funny how we get comfortable when sewing and think all is well and then YIKES! Been there so many times recently.

  2. Sounds like you are having a "step away from the machine/cutting table/quilt" for awhile days!!!
    Better sewing days ahead.I have had days when nothing goes right...then you come back to it and poof!!! it comes together so easily! I love how we compare our quilts to our children..problem or not!! Good Luck and I love the corners you came up with.

  3. Your chain is splendid. The border design sets the blocks off so well.

  4. Just working on that quilt is enough. You can finish it, quilt it, and bind it this summer.

  5. Ha! Your border picture cracked me up. I do stuff like that all the time.

  6. Love your quilt. It's so bright and happy!!

  7. I am so glad to know I am not the only one who makes mistakes!

  8. Uh Oh, time out for the Problem child is needed. May the FORTH be with you today. Had to say it one time, even though I'm not a Star wars fan.

  9. It may be a pain, but it sure is gorgeous! It will be worth it, in the end, I hope!

  10. Quilt math makes my head hurt, so well done for sticking with it to get your borders right. Hope pulling your socks up works and you get it done soon.

  11. Really nice corner blocks, that take the chain design around the corner. I like it--a lot!
    Oh, haven't we all that those kinds of quilter's moments. *LOL*

  12. So glad to see I'm not the only one capable of that kind of sewing. Wouldn't we be so much more productive if we would just sew once? Even when I'm paper piecing - where there is a "sew here line" I get it wrong.
    Love your quilt. So exciting and colorful.

  13. Oh sometimes it just doesn't seem to go well; ask me how I know???;--000
    Those corners look like a real bear to figure out for sure! Like my Grand'mere used to say:"you need to sleep on it" when I used to get stuck. Hugs Julierose

  14. Those corners are just what I was going to suggest to you, but I couldn't figure out a coherent way to explain it...
    And I've had those sew backwards/crosswise/upsidedown moments. The real kicker is when I rip out the seam, line it up, and do exactly the same thing again. *sigh*

  15. What a great quilt! Funny, I have borders that look much like yours! ARGH!

  16. I hope you have great luck with this project this month.

  17. All the effort with Carolina Chain is going to pay off, it's a gorgeous quilt. Hope things go more smoothly for you this week.
