
Thursday, April 09, 2015

Is Spring really here??

This past weekend I was at my cousin's daughter's wedding celebration. She is an inspiring young woman, who has worked hard in her life. She is almost finished nurses training, and I am so proud of her!  I don't know how she managed to plan her wedding and study for final exams, but she did. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside!

This is where she had her photos taken - at my cousin's barn! Not exactly a traditional setting for wedding photos, but she married a farmer, so it was the perfect setting for them.

Here is the happy couple! I only took a couple of photos because I had to get myself inside... it was really cold! They have newlywed love to keep them warm I guess ;)

In between travelling and visiting with relatives, I got quite a bit of hand stitching done on my "Always Home" quilt.  I finished the top two blocks and started quilting the borders around the top. And I left my hoop there... ugh! What is a quilter to do? I'll just have to go "hoopless"!

Guess who I saw??

I saw my first robin for 2015. Looks like we all survived another great Canadian winter!


  1. Great wedding photos, looks perfect for them. I hate the formal shots that never say anything about the couple. This looks like a very special pair. Congrats. Your quilt is looking terrific too!

  2. yes spring is on it's way! I love all the non traditional photos that wedding couples have taken now - they are so interesting compared to the old studio or church shots only

  3. Weddings are so unique these days...almost I said almost..makes me want to do it again!!!with the same guy of course!!! ;)
    I saw my first robin on the weekend unfortunately it was at my daughter's house which is 5 hours south of me!! argggg

  4. Great wedding photos! A barn setting is perfect if she is marrying a farmer.

    I hope the robin is indicative that spring has arrived.

  5. I heard birds in Chicago. Glad that Spring is coming. It's Spring Break here so I hope the children and families have good weather for playing outside. Love the farm wife pictures. Is she wearing boots? Congrats to her new life as a farmer's Wife!

  6. Congrats to the sweet new couple! Love that they did it their way :) And congrats on surviving the winter. I think we all kind of feel that way this year!

  7. Cute pictures of the obviously happy couple. Best wishes to them!!!

    You survived winter just fine...but what about being hoopless?

  8. Lovely wedding photos! I too am a sucker for young love! :)
    Sorry you have to finish this one hoopless but at least you are on the borders now.. hopefully you will have your hoop back soon! Kathi

  9. Smashing pics and I just loved the boots lol mind you with snow on the ground still, they would be just perfect anyway!
    What a fun venue and all the more memorable : )

  10. What a great setting for wedding photos. To bad about the hoop.

  11. Such fun wedding photos. Love the country flair!
    Great setting for your "Always Home."
