
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Counting My Blessings

Images count your blessings picture quotes image sayings
From Cup of Good

Sometimes you just have to count your blessings. Those wonderful events, memories, "ordinary miracles", and serendipitous situations that make you smile and realize how rich you are. According to the posting on the right, I am very fortunate indeed. 

AND I am a quilter.
How lucky am I?!?

Well, today I feel very blessed for all of these reasons... plus:

1) Did I tell you I bought a new/old sewing machine?!? I am gently oiling and fixing her up. Her guts are spread all over the place at the moment, which I wouldn't recommend doing, but I discovered she needed a new tension spring. A new one has been ordered and I think she will be up and running in no time. We are brainstorming about an appropriate name...any suggestions?

2) Did I mention I saw Neil Diamond last weekend? 
Oh yah, I did.
The concert got a great review - click here.

3) my blog was listed in a posting at Quilty Folk as being one of the top 30 inspirational blogs - you can see the list here. That really made my day! I love so many of the blogs on that list, and was excited to find a few more that I had not yet visited. In the very big internet world where there are thousands of quilting websites, it was a delight and honour to be included. My smile is very big about that :)

4) I had some wonderful midweek slow stitching time. I enjoyed watching Bonnie Hunter's QuiltCam while hand embroidering my third Life Is Beautiful block. The running stitch is my favorite because it reminds me of hand quilting.
Ricky Tims Seminar

5) Guess who is coming to Canada in April? Ricky Tims is making a 4 city tour, and my friend Louise and I are going to see him when he comes to Ontario! This is a once in a lifetime chance, and we are really looking forward to a day with Ricky! 

Life is good!


  1. I always enjoy your posts...glad to see so many others do too!

  2. I think Lucky might be an appropriate name for your new machine. You certainly were lucky to win the bid.

  3. hope you get your new machine up and running - they are nice aren't they - I haven't used mine in a while and I need to get it out and clean it up.

  4. You really are having a great week!!! Must be in the air cause I am too!!! Great to hear you make a special blog list. I don't know how you do it. I am lucky to get that once a week blog post made!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Glad you have so much to be thankful for! I love Bonnie's quilt cams as well and find them a great time to stitch and pick up a new tip to try when machine piecing or designing or cutting .... so excited for you current and future... all is well for you and that is GRAND! So excited that so many of the blogs I love are on that list INCLUDING YOU! Congrats ... well deserved for sure! :) Kathi

  7. How about Charity since you found her in a thrift store benefitting others or Chance as in bonne chance (good luck).

  8. I heart Neil Diamond. He does a great concert and his music is fabulous. The Life is beautiful blocks are lovely!

  9. Thanks for sharing that reminder of how fortunate we are. And it looks like you have many things for which to give thanks!
    Ricky and Alex are coming to Salt Lake City this year, but that is one I am not going to be able to make!

  10. I think you should call your machine "Spring's coming". LOL
    Your blog is very inspirational, for sure.

  11. Perhaps Colleen would be a good name. It's my mother's name and she sewed on a featherweight making clothes for my sister and I and for all the neighborhood birthdays. She was amazing.

  12. According to your posting, most of us are very rich indeed.:) Love the name 'Lizzy' for your new/old machine!

  13. This whole post makes me smile! Neil Diamond.....swoon.

  14. Awesome honor. You do inspire us blog readers. Ricky is loads of Fun, Practice your Whoo-hooo's!

  15. Awesome honor. You do inspire us blog readers. Ricky is loads of Fun, Practice your Whoo-hooo's!

  16. Yes, we are lucky and blessed. I appreciate all my blessings. Neil Diamond would be cool to see. Great music, and I've heard great shows.
