
Friday, January 09, 2015

QPOM progress

By Depressed Alien

Is it cold where you live? 
It has been bitterly cold here this week, and all I want to do is stay home and hand stitch under a warm cozy quilt. My daughter sent me this cute cartoon. 

When not trying to stay warm,
I have been sewing some blocks for my Quilt Pattern of the Month for my local guild meeting. I want to have the top together for the January meeting, so I have to get going on it.

Most of the squares are ready with the brown centers sewn in, but I need to find a few more fabrics to fill in the missing blocks. I used two charm packs but am 4 blocks short for a layout of 9 by 10. 
This is a different colour palette than I'm used to, but it's growing on me!
Next I will be cutting and sewing the flying geese blocks for the borders. I already have a quilting idea, so this might even be a January finish!


  1. This last week has been quite cold here also, although I hear the weather is worse in other parts of the country. Today, we are having a balmy 15 degrees F, which is about 10 degrees warmer than the rest of the week has been. I've been wishing I could hide in my crafty room all week. Stay warm, and what an adorable cartoon!

  2. we're whining in NC with high of mid 20s today and yesterday. should be 40s by the weekend. no snow yet though, so no kids out of school..

  3. Oh I love that cartoon...Good question! LOL

  4. Cold here too although looking like warmer temps next week.

  5. Love that cute little cartoon. I'm fed up with being soaked to the skin right now. It knows how to rain in Scotland at the best of times but it's been nothing short of torrential for days now. Hope you've found a warm cozy spot to sit and sew. Love your quilt in progress and waiting to see those flying geese. Have fun and stay

  6. It has sounded so bitterly cold in so many areas. I'd stay cuddled up with a quilt if I lived there.

  7. Baby its cold out side, it is the song in my head and like you I do not want to come out in it, but if I want to buy fabric, I guess I will have to come to work. The quilt is coming along and I do like the colors. Keep Warm

  8. Cute cartoon! I would rather stay inside and sew too. Maybe I will do some hand stitching this weekend so I can link up on Sunday... I love your quilt ...hope you can get it done on time!

  9. Woohoo a start and finish in one month...Did I just jinx it!!! Good luck finding something to fill in the holes!

  10. I swear I feel 10 years older than I did in a week ago in tropical Kauai! I am having a hard time leaving my bed with my beloved heated mattress pad each morning. I love your quilt... it is amazing what that little strip adds!

  11. It looks nice, I can see why the color palette is growing on you.

  12. Very soothing colors. Sorry the air hurts your face. Getting chilled to the bone is NO fun!

  13. It's been pretty cold here too. How fun to be almost done, I can't wait to see it with the border.

  14. Here too...wind chills far below zero. My little house has steam heat in the big rooms but not in the bathroom or the galley kitchen. That kitchen is pretty darn cold right now and so am i

    Stay as warm as you can! :)

  15. Cute cartoon! I've never lived where it's like that. In the last week we had record cold and record heat in our county. Crazy. Today it is cloudy and we are hoping for rain to help our three year drought.
    Love the quilt so far!

  16. You're making lots of progress on that cute quilt! I like the colors; I can see how they would grow on you. I think I'm going to have to make one of these! It would be great if it made your January finish. You have inspired me and I'm joining in on the monthly finish too.

  17. Me again! I google the pattern name but came up with nothing. Could you tell me who made the pattern? I'd like to buy it!

  18. Pretty colors in your quilt. If I were hand stitching that quilt would not even be a 2015 finish! I admire all who hand piece and hand quilt. Takes the art of quilting to an all new level.

  19. It was cold here in the relative south, it must have been beyond bitterly cold where you are!
