
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Machine Quilting Day

Today I am enjoying some machine quilting on my New Years Mystery top. I didn't really start out with a quilting plan, but I knew for sure I didn't want to do stitch-in-the-ditch. Instead I wanted to do something "free motiony" (I made up that word - feel free to use it!)
I put one of my favorite Janome feet on my Brother sewing machine and I'm just making arcs here and there. I am reminding myself that I'm not "creating a masterpiece", and I am just "finishing a quilt" - no pressure! Just breathe and go....

Are you sewing today?


  1. The arcs are looking beautiful! Love that "Sewing today" picture...I can really relate!

  2. It is looking lovely - yes, quilt with no pressure and enjoy the process. I need to get a small open toe foot = would be so much easier to 'see' where I am going.

  3. Yes I am....working on a whack and stack from last weekend. I have the second part of the class this weekend. Really want to have something to show for a week of sewing. My Grand Illusion mystery top is done. I did half the units, and as I told you I needed to make more blocks for the border and sashing but also the math didn't work for the 2" border. I had to cut that one down a bit in both directions! Good luck finishing your project!

  4. You are getting some beautifully smooth curves. It's looking great!

  5. Looking good. I love using my darning foot and just doing "free motiony". Always so fun.

  6. I promised myself that when I finished the Moda Come read with me quilt that I would make the slipcovers for the dining room chairs. Since then I have managed not to sit down and sew for 4 days now!

  7. I haven't quilted anything in months. Maybe this will motivate me to finish something, and not worry about creating a masterpiece--when have I ever, anyway? *LOL*

  8. I would love to be on my sewing machine but it is in the shop. I can pick it up on Sat

  9. Very pretty...I love those fabrics! :0)

  10. Lovely quilt and almost done. Yep, I quilted today. I'm working on three UFOs. Two had progress made on it today. YEAH!

  11. That's how I feel about quilting too.

  12. The quilting is the hardest part for me! I really have to make myself forge ahead. And no, I would not call my quilting masterpiece level

  13. Looks like you've made a good start.
