
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Annual Reorganization

One of the things I dislike about January is all of the stuff that has to be put away. New gifts entered the house at Christmas and we need to find a place for them. But there are no empty places, so we have to create somewhere by moving things around or getting rid of some things.
Have you seen Jerry Seinfeld's routine about garbage? The first minute of the video is unrelated, but after that it is soooo exactly the January challenge. As Jerry says, my home is a "garbage processing center"!

No one knows what to do with their new items, so they stay piled around the Christmas tree while we contemplate what to do. But once the tree has been put away for another year, the stuff has to go somewhere. 
This is an interesting article about what to toss - "10 Items to Jumpstart Decluttering".
I am busy decluttering everywhere, except the sewing room... I NEED all that stuff!
As I've been tidying up, I remembered that I didn't post the Downton Abby Christmas special videos. If you enjoy Downton and haven't seen these, you really must watch them...they are hilarious!


  1. I had not see those videos' what a laugh :)

  2. Loved the videos! Had not seen them before and they are great! Thanks for sharing.

  3. That is too funny! Thanks for sharing. Think I'll go see if the sewing machine works..... poor thing has been neglected for almost 2 weeks!

  4. LOVED the videos!! Still laughing....and swooning over Lord Hollywood (of course!!!)

  5. I hadn't seen those videos. I heard George was showing up in Diownton. TOO funny! Getting stuff organized for me is filling our the calendars for the year with Birthdyas so I don't forget one. My BOW & BOM New year projects are in new totes too. Have fun organizing

  6. Decluttering has been my goal for about a year now. I've donated more than 20 boxes full of stuff and today, I don't miss a single thing! We now have space in our garage which used to be packed, and are working on the house. Best of luck on all the cleaning!

  7. With no TV, I am patiently waiting for the next season to hit Netflix.
    Have you been following Bonnie Hunter and her mini purges that she did before Christmas. I tried a few and was successful but like you when it comes to my sewing room....I can't part with stuff easily!!!

  8. Omigosh Kathy! You had me laughing and rolling on the floor. Great videos! Thanks for the chuckle!

  9. I started decluttering years ago and now have a motto in our home. If an item comes in something has to go out. We've followed that motto almost every time. I've never missed an item we've given away.

  10. I've declared 2015 the year of decluttering at our house. The past two weekends, I've made Drama Teen clean out one drawer in her dresser. I started on our closet. It will take a while, but doing a little at a time will prevent the troops from revolting.

  11. I saw Jerry Seinfeld do part of that on the Tonight Show. So true.

  12. OMGosh....those Downtons are a crackup!

  13. I love Downton Abbey and those videos truly made me laugh out loud.

    We also just reorganized while putting away our Christmas...only it was our decorations and not gifts. You can 'almost' eat off of the garage floor :)
