
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mid Month UFO Update

It's past the middle of November, so it's time for an update on the UFO of the month....
Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll .
This thing has been hanging around here for no reason, other than my fear of attaching these darn seminole borders. I dislike attaching borders at the best of times, but this one is the hardest one I have done in my quilting career so far.
I started by putting on a scrappy green "coping" border, but it didn't help me cope at all! I really worked hard getting that first seminole border to be the correct size and to get it attached to the quilt top properly. I think it's okay now and the side of the quilt lays fairly flat. 
Now for the adding another border. 
How on earth do the corners go together?

Clearly I should have paid more attention to how Bonnie did it, but at the time I thought "I'm never going to make that hard border" so I didn't pay attention. 

But the border just looked so nice on all the finished quilts I've seen, that I convinced myself to give it a try.
I plan to have this quilt top finished in the next 12 days. 
Wish me luck! And if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to leave me a comment!
Linking up with Jo's Bonnie UFO Challenge.


  1. Wow, it looks really great!! I changed the border on that quilt for all the reasons you thought too. I know you can do it!!

  2. I'm afraid I don't have any sage advice. Usually by the time I get to the border, I just want the quilt finished! But it does look beautiful, good luck.

  3. Mental note to self : do not EVER attempt to do this

    So pretty...I think that you can do ANYTHING ! :)

  4. Kathy...

    Just trust Bonnie's pattern! I remember feeling the same way, but it all fell together magic! My quilt looks great and I'm so glad I did the border.

  5. just attach it as you would any mitered border - laid out as you have it looks like there won't be any problem -

  6. Looks wonderful, but I am glad it is you doing it and not me. How is that for helpful? Good luck! : )

  7. This is me being stern. ;)
    Oh for goodness sakes Kathy, put on those big girl panties and get that darn border on. It's not a matter of life and death, it's a border. Now do it!
    How's this working for you? Is it helping? You know a friend is always honest with a friend. LOL
    Honestly, stop stressing. You are such a great quilt maker, it will go on fine, just do it.

  8. I would be fearful about the border too. But it looks very good and will probably go on with no problem.

  9. I can't say anything as I sent my quilt (in pieces) to Sarah's group to play with - it ended up in three different quilts. Just go with it girl - you can do it.

  10. Wow! I really admire your progress. That kind of borders scare the pants off me, too. Even as a single row of squares on point. But the finished result is so stunning! Hang in there!

  11. that does look complicated but I am sure all will go together well and you will be sharing the finished quilt with us soon

  12. I have some sage advice for you.. The corners are easier if you put the corners on as triangles rather than doing the mitred corners. I will email you a diagram.

  13. Your quilt is just so darn beautiful, and I know you will be able to cope very well with the rest of those borders.

  14. Your border is going to be fabulous with your quilt! It's a really easy fix--just take off a 'triangle' of piecing on the bottom. Then, sew together the corner pieces into one LARGE triangle that will join from one border length to the other. It'll all go together perfectly, just match up the seams.:)

  15. Bonnie's instructions should be right- as she said just this morning "Trust Me". You can trust that the corners will work out right if your seam allowance is good. You can DO IT!!!!

  16. This quilt design is my favourite so far from Bonnie Hunter and your quilt looks fantastic. I know you can do it!!

  17. You are much braver than I am. I have worked up to piano key borders so far. Good luck!

  18. I know you can make it work Kathy!Pour a little wine into a glass and then sew those borders on. I agree a triangle on the corner looks easiest but just follow whatever Bonnie instructed. Her directions always turn out fine. Good luck.

  19. Come on now girl you CAN do it!!! With all those little squares I think the triangle method might be the easier way to go but mitred works too!!
    12 days till the end of the could get two quilts done!!

  20. As I have never attempted to do such a border, I have no advice, wise or funny for you but I can do this. Go Kathy! Go Kathy! GOOOOOOOOO KATHY!!!! ;^)

  21. What you have laid out looks great! I searched Roll Roll Cotton Boll images and looked for borders. The borders meet in the corner matching light to light and green to green.Just piece that corner as best you can. If it puffs up, go back and take in a few seams till it flattens out. Steam and starch help too!Can't wait to see it finished!

  22. Great looking results you have here. To help explain, you have sew the rows vertically in a manner of speaking. I would sew the pieces into rows horizontally as sort of one half square triangle. This corner set of pieces would be a row of quarterSquareTriangle-pink-green-pink-pink-green-pink-quarterSquareTriangle to a row of quarterSquareTriangle-pink-green-pink-quarterSquareTriangle to quarterSquareTriangle-pink-quarterSquareTriangle to make the half square triangle shape. THEN sew this quarter square triangle to the corner. I hope this makes sense.

  23. Lucky news. has a post dated Nov 19 with pictures of the "half square triangle" I described so poorly.

  24. That border is so going to be worth the effort.

  25. You can do it - one step at a time. It's tedious, and you may have to fudge a little here and there. Just think of all the self-satisfaction when it's done! And it's sooooo pretty - I might use those colors myself if I get around to making that project! Keep on keepin' on!!!

  26. I just love the colours you have chosen for this one. It've seen scrappy versions of it but none compare to this. And your border & corners are beautiful :).
