
Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Broken Internet

I am having internet issues here, which my service provider said can't be fixed until September 11th. 
Really? I can make a whole quilt in the time it takes to fix my internet?!?!
I tried to tell him I can't live without it, but that didn't get me anywhere. 
So here I am accessing service at Tim Horton's (thanks for the free but "slow-as-a-turtle" wifi) and at my parents' house. 
I have been keeping busy with entering and judging at my favorite fall fairs. And of course, doing a wee bit of quilting every day in order to keep calm! LOL


  1. That's no fun! Hopefully it is up and running again soon!

  2. Sorry you have to go OUT to get Internet service. I'd say your Blog Friends might wonder where you went if you didn't post this week. I am getting ready for our Quilt Show. I have a few B-days to get ready for too. Sending good Techno Vibes!

  3. we are now so dependant on the internet, i know when my computer was away for repair it was so sorely missed and catching up on what I had missed took forever. Mine is never fast and it is annoying that things can take so long to load but at least it works

  4. Yep we are so dependent on it now. Life is so hard now

  5. so sorry thats just hard isn't it? funny how we have all become so dependent on internet now.
    I hate when mine is down too. Hopefully your sewing more as a result :)

  6. I feel for you, have experienced the same thing. But, at least you have your stitching! Good luck with your entries at the fair.

  7. Thank goodness for Tim's! Have fun quilting!

  8. So sorry to hear that you are cut off from us but I'm glad it is only that. When I didn't see your daily post, I thought maybe you had fallen sick. We'll be here for you whenever you come back. Happy quilting.

  9. I was getting worried! Hope you can survive another day without wifi! My parents hit McDonalds free wifi when they are traveling. Wish we had a Tim Horntons down here - love the coffee and soups. Might have to take a trip to Quebec in December to get a fix =).

  10. I am echoing Chantal,s words!! Hope all is right soon! G

  11. I bet you are getting a lot accomplished without the distraction of the internet! LOL

  12. Our internet is just getting worse and worse, so I feel for you. Good luck on your entries!

  13. I was wondering where you were! Not like you to be gone like that. Glad it was only internet and not something serious! haha
    Hope it is fixed and up and running in no time but I know it won't slow you down!
