
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Slow Sunday Stitching... Green = Life

Can you believe the summer is over? The weather here was perfect for me this summer - not too hot, with lots of sunny days, and lots of rain. The grass was green all summer, we didn't get the usual city-issued water ration warnings, and there were no brown-outs from lack of electricity due to a high need for air conditioning.  
I am sad to see summer coming to an end. 

And sad to remember that one year ago today was the last day of my brother's life. As I stitch some green seed blocks today, I will remember him and be grateful for all the love, the music, and the fun energy he brought to my life.
beautiful quotes, gras, green, quote, text
Remember to "water your grass" today, and to give thanks for all your blessings and the people in your life who really love you. 
I hope you will join in with all of us slow stitchers today, and pick up a needle and thread and enjoy some hand stitching.


  1. My thoughts are with you. It's a hard today to get through

  2. Prayers going up for you my friend! I have a hard time on certain "anniversaries" too... Thanks for the linky party! Kathi

  3. That first anniversary is always so hard. Praying for you. I love that "water your own grass" saying.

  4. Saying a prayer for you today. Love the water your grass quote. I need to remember it myself sometimes. Blessings

  5. My thoughts are with you on this sad day.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sending a hug your way today. As each year passes I hope the pain of your loss will be replaced with happy memories.

  8. Sending a hug for you today.. How appropriate that you are sewing with bright green...the colour of new life.

  9. Wishing you some happy memories of your brother as you at slow stitching today. Hugs.

  10. It's ok if some tears spill on the green seeds. I have never heard of this particular "water your grass." I shall share it family members. Thank you for posting while being sad. I look forward to Slow Sunday Stitching.

  11. Such a nice post Kathy. I hope you find some smiles through your sadness today as you think of your brother. Hugs.

  12. You are absolutely right! Those memories are priceless! Enjoy those memories today as you stitch, I am sure most will bring a smile to your face.

  13. What a tough year for sorry! I love the water your own grass quote...beautiful, as are your green seed blocks.

  14. Prayers for you to only have wonderful memories of your brother today! Just as a side note, we here in California are in a drought. They actually have mandatory watering restrictions in our town! You're very blessed to have had a green summer. Ours is brown, hot and not ending soon. Wish I could see your green!

  15. I'll be thinking about you today Kathy....and your brother too.

  16. We have had a very hot summer so I will be happy to see cooler days -much nicer to have fabric and yarn in your pal when the weather cool.
    Love the quote too.

  17. Sending a hug your way on this difficult day.

  18. Ahhhh - that's a hard day to get through. My prayers are with you Kathy :) Love that saying - believe it or not, I had never heard that before... and I thought I had heard everything at least once!

  19. Hope your day has been full of the good memories and not as much of the sad.

  20. So cute that you've put the pumpkin seeds in a tree. They do look like leaves.
    He's in a better place where pain has no hold. Consider yourself hugged.

  21. I was thinking recently about how you and your family were doing since your beloved passed away. He struggled so hard to stay, but I'm sure he knew how much love followed into the next world.

  22. ¡¡¡Es un día muy duro!!!
    el tiempo hará que el dolor se migue un poco, y los recuerdos serán bonitos y dulces

  23. Triste lembrar de quem se foi, mas ao mesmo tempo sinta-se feliz por ter boas lembranças dele...

    Deus te abençoe e lhe traga conforto ao seu coração...

  24. My prayers are with you, Kathy, as you remember your brother and your good times with him. A difficult anniversary, for sure.
    I love the way you have hung your "seeds" in the tree. Very cute. : )

  25. all anniverseries of a loved one are touht but the first one is the hardest, thinking of you at this sad time
