
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Machine Quilting a UFO

The machine quilting has begun on this month's UFO - Plaid Beauty. When I start working on a quilt, I always quilt stabilizing lines from the center point out to the borders in all directions. I've finished those 8 lines and now I'm coming back to the center and stitching in the ditch on the diagonal of the light/dark HST blocks and straight through the light chains.

It has been a little bit more challenging quilting this one because the fabrics are all plaids and are more stretchy than most other cotton quilting fabric. But it's not terrible and I'm sure "it will all quilt out"!

Maybe all I need is a little more coffee! 


  1. Plaid Beauty will be a wonderful finish! Keep quilting ...I can't wait to see this one finished!

  2. Good on you.,I like to see someone quilting on a domestic can be done

  3. Beautiful plaid quilt! Love the coffee quote.

  4. looks like good work to me. I need to do a couple this fall after our upcoming trip

  5. We Piranhas knew you would find that quote and put it up on the blog! Check out my blog this week for more pics...including some that were taken after you left! Had a great time with you visiting...looking forward to doing it again with all the "Fabric Piranhas"

    Your Northern Blog Stalker

  6. I love that cartoon at the end. Although in my case, it would be Diet Coke. ha! Although at retreat, we all brainstormed on what would make a perfect sewing machine, and one of the features we agreed on is that it would know when thread (bobbin or top) was running low and could rethread itself on the go so you never had to stop to rethread. ha!

  7. Coffee always makes things better! Love seeing this treasure being quilted. Love it!

  8. I am very excited for you on this next big step! I love plaid!! Good luck on the quilting and I look forward to seeing the quilted quilt!

  9. For me I just need more Chocolate! Happy to see another UFO bite the dust! I gotta quit starting new stuff and get on my stack of UFO's and TBQ's!

  10. Love the plaid quilt - I'm sure it will quilt up beautifully! I notice you use the same machine that I have (a Brother PQ1500) which I love for FMQ. I was wondering what foot you use - I use the fmq foot that came with it but would really like the same foot but "open" - tried to order one from a US Co. but it didn't really fit right - just wondering what you use?!

  11. Your coffee cartoon made me laugh... I consider it good if I can thread the machine without my reader glasses. Once in a while I can still do it!

  12. I love this plaid quilt! Look forward to seeing it quilted. You will be so happy to have another UFO finished!!

  13. So pretty! hugs~

  14. Yea for working on another UFO. I've been trying to use odd collections of blocks. Yea for finishes which I assume you will be doing with the quilt soon!

  15. looking good, lovely plaids here

  16. That beautiful picture looks great in your heading! The colours are stunning! Mom

  17. Lots of turning and pulling! Great for the upper arms!

  18. Awesome, it will feel so good to have it done too....

  19. What a great quilt! I've enjoyed catching up on your posts! It's been a while since I could check in!

  20. Hope the quilting has gone smoothly. I love all those plaids, it's such a fun quilt.
