
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Star Quilt (Lack of) Progress

While I ponder what to quilt in the border of Storm At Sea, I have been trying to get my star quilt top together. I am pressing a lot of the seams open because there is so much bulk and they didn't lay flat at all when pressed to one side.

And then look what happened! 
I sewed a little tent by leaving out one (or maybe two??) of the triangles! 

That will definitely not quilt out!
Where's the seam ripper?

Maybe I'll work on unsewing this mess while watching QuiltCam tonight with Bonnie. See you there!


  1. well good thing you were pressing and found the mistake!

  2. Whoopsie! Glad it's not a giant unfixable

  3. After reading your post from last week with Cathy Miller at your guild, I would have to say it is a B or C cup not a mountain. Love that way of describing it, makes me giggle! Good luck with your unsewing.I tried a few days too late to join up on Sunday so check out my blog from yesterday!!

  4. I thought about pressing open my HSTs for the chevron quilt I'm making, but I was afraid that I'd have too difficult a time getting my points nice ... I do better if I can nest my seams.

    Glad you found your mistake sooner rather than later. ;-)

  5. Glad you can un-sew while you watch tonight. I have to keep working on these bindings I brought home for hire for the LQS. Been workign on them since last Thursday. Handwork is fun, but I really want to make something else right now. I'll be watching Quilt CAM too.

  6. Don't you hate it when that happens?

  7. I hope it won't be too hard to fix! I hate unsewing!

  8. it is rotten when making an error isn`t it, why is unripping so much slower to do than the stitching
