
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday Treadling

I haven't done a Treadling on Tuesday post since last year! Why is that? 
Because I haven't done any treadling since then. 
I was reading Cheryl's blog post about her vintage sewing machine booth, and started to miss my treadle machine, and wondered why I haven't been using it.
In fact the sewing
Treadle covered with "Quilter's Blessings"
machine has been hiding stored safely in the cabinet for a while. Sometimes I slip into this scarcity thinking pattern in which I believe that I should put special things away so that they don't get broken or dusty or used too much. 

But I have learned that when very special things are put away safely, they are forgotten about and never used! Since I put the machine into the cabinet, I have not been tempted once to sit and treadle when I find that I have a few extra minutes.

Today the sun was shining on my treadle, and I decided that it was going to come out in the sun shine where I could see it and enjoy it, and be tempted to sit and treadle whenever I wanted to relax.

Ahhhh.... that's so much better!  I will thread up the machine and I bet you that I will be tempted to sit down and treadle every time I walk by.
How about you? 
Get out your special machine and give it some love and appreciation!


  1. I love your comment about special occasions. After losing my best friend two months ago and realizing how long in the tooth I am, I pulled out my best bedspread and put it on my bed. The grandkids are even allow to crawl up on it....:)

    Your Treadle machine looks so happy sitting in the sun.

  2. I remember using my grandma's treadle - would be nice to have one!

  3. I don't have a treadle or handcrank, but I use my old 'New Home' machine almost everyday - and love her to bits! Wonderful statement!

  4. Since I purchased my FW, she is on a table in my sewing room and at the ready whenever I feel the need to sew on her!!!

  5. Glad to see your treadle machine out enjoying the sunshine!

  6. Your treadle looks very inviting, but so does that beautiful cover!

  7. That is a beautiful Treadle machine, wish I had one.

  8. My treadle machine is near the window also. Perfect quote. Today is our special occasion. Love it.

  9. What a beautiful machine.....I am so coveting it.

  10. Your treadle looks like my oldest treadle, an 1889 Singer 27. Glad you are going to use your machine. What fun!

  11. I agree! That is why I leave my treadle and hand crank out, so that I will use them!

  12. Great post! I love the quote from President Monson!

  13. your treadle is a real beauty. Like you I put my best bernina away, afraid to use it in case it broke and did everything on my janome that is about 36 years old, no more love the bernina, the janome only comes out occasionally to give it a run so it does not feel too neglected! Granny had a frister and rosman treadle, I was so upset when I found Dad had sold it hilts I was away in Australia, he should have given it to me

  14. Beautiful treadle. I have a Ginza that I can't get to stitch correctly. I need to try again. I love the quote from President Monson.

  15. That quote is so true.
    You might not make it to that special occasion

  16. I wish I had an old machine to love. I had a 1945 Singer that was my mom's ... but I was young and foolish and traded it in for a new Singer. Oh if only I knew then what I know now!

  17. OK, next month my treadle machine is going to the Singer guy to be cleaned and a belt put on it. I have never used it but you have guilted me into getting it up and running. Of course then I will have to relearn how to treadle since I haven't done it in over 60 years. lol

  18. I didn't notice the Spool pin doily on this post. I had to biggie size the picture to see it. Glad you got in some Treadling time! Every Day is a Special Occasion to SEW!

  19. All the years I had treadle sewing machines, I never actually used one. Good for you to have done it.
