
Saturday, March 08, 2014

Scrappy Saturday - just let the pink go!

I'm having a hard time leaving pink month behind and moving on to aqua for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge! This is partly because I love pink, and partly because I used up most of my regular aqua scraps last July.

I have been organizing some aqua batik scraps to make some Alamo stars, but I seem to be combining them with leftover pinks from last month! Yikes...that's a really low contrast block in the center that I didn't notice until I saw it on the computer screen.

Okay... I'm going back to pressing and cutting little bits for more blocks, and I'm going to try to leave the pink scraps in the bin and get a better variety of scraps in this project!
Hop over to SoScrappy to see what other quilters are making with their aqua scraps.


  1. Tee Hee - well, it works into a cross over of color within a quilt.

  2. What a great way to use up those pesky scraps....LOL

  3. Great transition blocks. Love those little Alamo Stars.

  4. This way the teals and the pinks will play nicely when it all goes together, because they've already had time to get to know each other. LOL!

  5. Pink isn't ready to leave quite yet. It will tell you when it wants to be done I am sure. You are so good at listening to your quilts!

  6. I am loving those aqua batik scraps. I think aqua is one of my favorite batik colors!

  7. The batiks look great and I like the aqua with the pinks.

  8. I do love batiks how I am wanting to have lots of scraps, need to be making more quilty things to build up a stash

  9. Neat idea Kathy, to let one month of the RSC blend with the next, lovely little blocks.

  10. I have found that I can see better from a photo than I can in real life. When I lay out blocks for assembly, I always double check placement by taking a picture, waiting a little while to refresh my eyes (so to speak) and then look at it. It's amazing what I miss in real life. ;-)

    I love the Alamo Stars!

  11. Your Alamo stars are wonderful!

  12. Pink and teal do look pretty together!

  13. Love those Alamo Stars! Pink and teal is such a pretty combination.

  14. The pink looks so good with the teal! Love your little blocks. If I ever get my act together I'll send you up some teals to add to your little bits.

  15. Love your blocks and scraps. I think the goal is to turn those scraps into sweet blocks. You go girl!
