
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Quilt Canada 2014

While I'm on a roll making challenging quilty decisions this week, I went ahead and made another big one.
Drum roll please....
I am going to Quilt Canada 2014: Wonders of Niagara!
Yes I am!
It's a lot of money for me to spend, but it's so close to where I live, I just can't not go, right?!?!
I've only been to one other Quilt Canada conference in 2008 (read about that amazing adventure here).  It really was a highlight of my life so far, so my expectations are pretty high for this one! 
I am pouring over the class listings and trying to decide which techniques I would like to learn more about. Okay, taking all the classes is not possible! There are 20 classes offered each day. It has been enlightening for me to try to narrow down the options in terms of clarifying my current quilt interests. This is a hard, but delightful job
I am leaning towards the classes with Cheryl Arkison, Gail Garber, and Pippa Moore.
So now, I am back to my tried and true, scientific method of eeny, meeny, miny, mo!
Is anyone else in blogland attending Quilt Canada?!? If so, what classes are you taking? Do you have any tips for me?!? So excited!


  1. Quite a few of my friends are going and are starting to get quite excited about it! I had to make another choice for classes since one of mine was cancelled. At first I was going to take an applique class but decided not to since it is my area of expertise. So I ended up picking one called Twisting Nature by Anna Hergert....out of my comfort zone!

  2. I am going,too! I'm so excited! I'm going to stretch my limits and try to learn machine quilting on my domestic machine. I'm a hand quilter. This will be sooo fun!

  3. You'll have a great time what ever classes you sign up for. I'll never regret the $$$ I spent last year when I met Bonnie Hunter, Debbie Caffery and Jo Morton. I also met a few other "famous' Quilters. It was 3 days well spent!

  4. Good for you! What an exciting thing to look toward!

  5. Eeny, meeny, miny, mo, have a great time at the show!! I'm sure the class or classes you decide on will be wonderful!

  6. Lucky you!!! Maybe, one day I will be able to attend. I am sure you are going to have a fabulous time.

  7. Very exciting decision to make! I'm sure you'll enjoy all there is to see and do!

  8. You inspired me to take the plunge. I had been so self-absorbed I'd missed hearing about this, and I live in the same city. Just signed up for Gail's Wednesday and Thursday class.

  9. It is great that you decided to attend. You may regret it if you don't go to this special quit event that is close by. Enjoy!
