
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mid-Week Clean Up

I have been cleaning in the quilt studio. Don't be alarmed! It seems that there is an optimum range for having fabric out where I can see it... too much is overwhelming, but too little seems to hamper the creativity! 
Mostly I am trying to clear surfaces of fabrics from projects that I worked on last year. Every piece needs to be either with the project it belongs to, or it needs to be in the closet, or in a scrap bin... but not on the cutting table! 
It has been very helpful to get a grip on organizing ongoing projects. I am clearing away all the fabrics I don't need to have out right now.  As I am clearing, I have been cutting as many scraps as I encounter into useable pieces. Some of these pieces are blue scraps to make into blocks that Angela has posted.

And some are for more spool blocks, which are my favorites! Here I have a pile of civil war scraps, a pile of random colours, and a pile of blues that I hope to finish up before the end of January.
It feels good to be getting the quilt studio more organized, but the desire to start a new project is getting stronger. I am staying focused so I can finish up a couple of quilts. And I want to have a project ready to machine quilt as soon as I get my sewing machine back from the shop.


  1. Love your courage in getting organized, so you can be more creative. Way to go.

  2. I too love to cut up my pieces into usable pieces...creativity comes for me with a clean slate!

  3. One done and a new one started sounds like a fair deal. Enjoy your organizing. It does get to a point when it is hard to find room to work. An occasional clear out can be a good thing.

  4. I like organization, but I have a couple of smaller buckets that need that type of sorting out.

  5. There are definitely moments when the inspiration hits to clean and tidy and cut scraps for bin-organization. I feel the inspiration; sadly, I don't have the time that matches the feeling :\

    All of your blue scraps are fun to look at, and I too am guilty of storing scraps on the cutting table.... right side.... all in a neatly chaotic pile :D

  6. I love that blue bumble bee fabric in that spool block. I agree, I like to be able to see some of my fabric to inspire me, but I also like my room clean.

  7. Stay focused. When you have the urge to be side tracked by a project, tell yourself how much more enjoyable it will be to sew in an organized area. Then you will be able to sew and not worry about loose scraps.

  8. What are you trying to do--make the rest of us feel like slackers? Besides, if my sewing room is cluttered, it gives the illusion that I am accomplishing something! : )

  9. Way to go! Will be so much easier to keep up with it all now!

  10. a good clear up is always good, I expect you found things you had forgotten you had!

  11. You are so organised - it's very impressive. I love all those piles!

  12. Glad it's not just me that has fabric everywhere. I need to clear my cutting and sewing table aswell so I can sew in comfort xxx

  13. Those little spools are so cute ; every time I see yours I want to make some :)

  14. All look great, nothing like organizing and getting motivated!

  15. I know what you mean about too much fabric and 'stuff' becoming way too overwhelming. I sort of have a plan to get things done and out of my sewing room too.

  16. You too? And, I quote "fabrics from projects that I worked on last year." I don't have last years project scraps still sitting out only because I had a totally clear space when I moved into the studio this summer. But all of my good intentions seem to be swirling into the scrap basket ... I'm not doing a great job of putting fabric away after cutting. Thus I will take inspiration from you and try some more. One side of the cutting table has been de-scrapped. The other hasn't and most be by the end of today! Great inspiration... now if you could come up with a device to chain me to the cutting table until clean. . . .

  17. it must be clean up week! me too in the process

  18. From another Slacker...STOP IT!!! You really are making me feel bad. Not only do I have things laying around but projects that need to get finished are there too. Did you see the pic on my blog!!yikes!!I am trying to machine quilt an old UFO but alas I did start a new project at guild too! oh no!!!and sew the vicious circle continues!!!

  19. I've been trying to tackle scraps as a break in the evening after a long day of shuffling my Quilt Zone. Two more day and My NEW Machine will be here. Gotta make room!

  20. The cutting table is for cutting fabrics, not storing them???? Oops! I guess that means the ironing board is for ironing fabrics, not storing them, either. Oh well....

  21. A little bit of clean up time now will give you more time to be creative with all those great pieces you're cutting. Keep going!

  22. I tried cleaning up my sewing room yesterday. Problem is, I got interested in the things I was finding, studying them, and forgetting the purpose I started out with. I did not get far.

  23. Cleaning the sewing room always seems to energize me. Suddenly you can find things again. I did a bit of that last weekend and it certainly helped perk up the room a bit.
