
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy? New Year's Eve

A very non-quilting New Year's Eve day has been happening here and I am really annoyed. I had a very full quilt day planned. I had hoped to finish my UFO project today. 
Not happening. 
Also I had a really good start on step #5 of Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice mystery while watching QuiltCam last week. I made an incorrect block right off the bat, so I left it on my sewing table while I continued to sew to encourage myself not to repeat that error too many times! Today I was going to finish those 100 blocks and post about it.  
Not happening.
I have spent most of the day traveling between my bed and the washroom. Again. Such a crappy way to end the year - pardon the pun! 
Bonnie calls these "split triangle units", but I know them as "shaded four patch" blocks. I did get maybe half of my step #5 blocks done, and I really like them. I had some fun on the design wall seeing what could be done with them. 
Did I mention lately that I love my "Angels Among Us" fabrics?
Can't wait to see the next step on Friday!
To see more blog posts about the mystery, hop over to the link up party - click here.


  1. Oh no!! What a terrible way to end the year! I hope tomorrow is better for you. I love the fabrics you are using for the mystery.

  2. I get it! I have a grandson with the opposite problem. He won't be helping his parents ring in the new year like they wanted. I've been sewing all day so I and ring the year out. Tomorrow we gather with my Husband side of the family. Never get to sew all day on New Years around here. Your fabrics are so pretty, I am happy to see your parts coming together.

  3. So sorry your day didn't go as planned. Hope you're feeling better tomorrow! Good luck with the quilting.

  4. OH, I hope it has run it course, and that you lost 5 pounds that stays off magically!! and Happy new Year!

  5. Great job! You have nice colors, I can't wait to see everything altogeter!

  6. Sorry your day did not go as planned - hope you're on the mend in record time! Best wishes for a great new year, especially in the quilting department!

  7. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon.

  8. Oh goodness...I hope you feel better soon. My husband was telling me about the latest very nasty flu that has been going around. Hopefully, you just have a tummy bug and not the full blown deal.

  9. Oh no! I hope you are all better by tomorrow so you can sew the day away.

  10. Hope this is just a 24 hr thing and you feel better tomorrow. Feeling yucky is no way to start off the new year.

  11. YUK!!!! I'm so sorry Kathy! That's a terrible way to ring in the New Year, but maybe you'll get all that sick stuff out of the way and have wonderful health the rest of the year - thinking positive!!! Praying that tomorrow is a better day for you sweet friend!

  12. Well, on the upside, if you had resolved to lose a bit of weight in the new year, you are off to a great start. Hope you are back to normal and behind your machine again in record time.

  13. My sister and her family had that bug ... her S.O. had to spend a couple of days in the hospital ... so please take care of yourself! I had planned to spend my NYE day with needle and thread ... spent it with my DD and her family ... since they're my favorite people in the whole wide world, I am not complaining. I DO plan, however, to spend today quilting ... and hopefully watching the snow fall, too.

  14. SO sorry that you are sick right now, ugh!
    Get better soon!! :)

  15. Wishing you a Happy New Year even though it is not starting out so well. Good news you don't have to wait till friday. Bonnie Hunter release the last clue today!!! :)

    Hope you are on the mend soon.

  16. your blocks look great and did you SEE!!! squeal...... the reveal... uhhhh ahhhhh can't wait to finish it

  17. Yuck...hope you feel better and that your New Year's Day is better than your New Year's Eve!

  18. Oh, bummer, Kathy! Sorry you won't be able to have your quilty New Year's Day!
