
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Countdown to Christmas

Production has started here on Temecula's "Countdown to Christmas". I am using some reds from my friend Barb and background scraps from my UFO of the month - 3 Sister's Grace. My "Sweet Baby Jayne" Featherweight is doing an awesome job on piecing these tiny blocks.

I am making my flying geese units in a different way than the instructions recommend because my scraps are too small to use that technique.

These 2" blocks are so darn cute! Good thing that I am enjoying them because I need to make 22 more of them!


  1. Wow! They look great! I don't think I could work with such small bits of fabric.

  2. Love your little flying geese... my honey loves that term when I talk about making them... love more your featherweight! I hope to have one myself one day... for now I will use my sweet Janome and be happy though... thanks for sharing your project and love a tute on how to make these little flying geese without so many flippy corners to waste!

  3. Teeny tiny pieces! Lovely blocks!

  4. Oh, I am so glad I can watch you make this one for me!! : )
    I am having to forego this one due to time constraints, but it looks delightful--just up our "tiny" alley!

  5. tiny blocks, and Christmas? Do we really have to think about it?

  6. Love your header quilt and white featherweight.

  7. Your blocks are so cute. I am so tempted to join in this sewalong, although I told myself I wasn't starting anything else(apart from Christmas sewing!). I'd better hurry and make a decision!

  8. such tiny blocks so fiddly to stitch lovely
