
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Treadle Vacation

What a beautiful morning to treadle! 

As I treadle away feeling the sun on my face, it almost seems like I'm on vacation on a sunny southern island. Until I walk outside and discover that it is ONE degree! 
Nope... I am still in Canada!
But I can enjoy my mini-vacation moment!


  1. It certainly does look lovely out there, sunny blue skies, lovely colours on the trees and on the ground where the leaves have fallen. I'm almost, not quite, but almost even looking forward to the first pretty dusting of snow.

  2. Sunny yes but frosty too. Had to scrape the windshield of the car before leaving. I am on a mini vacation too DH is gone and I have the house to myself..this week and hunting season next week!! Lots of sewing to be done!! Enjoy your moment!

  3. When I took the dogs out before bed last night it was so clear and the stars were beautiful...and the grass was sparkling and crunchy!

    I hope you enjoyed your beautiful sunny morning.

  4. A wonderful sunny day! How fun to sit and sew in the sunlight. What type of treadle machine do you have? I would love to learn how to sew with a treadle!!

    We have 32 degrees..
    God Bless,

  5. I had to laugh when I got to the last sentence. I am cold here too, but our 32 degrees at 9 am is nothing compared to your 1 degree. Enjoy your mini vacation :)

  6. One degree! Yikes! Glad you can stay inside and treadle!

  7. One degree! Yikes! Glad you can stay inside and treadle!

  8. Kathy I love the quilt on your header. It is s o cheerful looking.

  9. I don't know if everyone is translating from Celsius to Fahrenheit. : )
    But you are definitely cold!

  10. I agree....the sun makes you think it's gorgeous and then you step out to a winters day when it should be FALL!! What is going on in Canada this year??

  11. we are now getting the colder weather but temperature is not as low as yours, expected to be 10 today. How I loved to use my grandmothers treadle machine, I think if I saw one for sale I would be very tempted to buy it. My daughter had been given a singer hand machine, she does not sew so hoping she will let me have a play on it but feel it will be odd having only one hand to guide the fabric.

  12. Haha! Too funny! I felt the same way the other day after having a wonderfully peaceful day sewing. It takes us away! Stay warm and have a good day!

  13. So cold! I don't think I would head outside at all. I am not very good about cold weather.

  14. That cold already? We've had mornings just above freezing, but warmer afternoons. Hope you got to enjoy your sunny spot for awhile.
