
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Slow Stitching Sunday

I am enjoying some hand quilting on my Journey quilt today, and I will be enjoying the last days of fall weather. Nothing is as soothing (for me) as quilting by the water. It is truly heaven!

This is the block I have just finished on the top right corner of the quilt. I am "working" on the last two blocks.

The leaves have mostly fallen down now, so it's time to start raking. But that's a job for another day... not today. 

It's Slow Stitching Sunday

Today it's all about relaxing, being in the moment, moving slowly and taking my time.
What are you stitching by hand today? Link your blog update below and share your project with us.


  1. AH :) LOVE the quilt-by-the-water photos!. They make me so relaxed I want to go back to bed! :)

  2. I hope you have a wonderful day today and the weather cooperates. It is getting quite chilly and I think those nice Fall days are behind us now.

  3. That looks like a perfect place to stitch. Enjoy.

  4. Love your quilt and your pictures!

  5. Love the quilt you are working on... thanks for a linky to share what we are hand quilting! Kathi

  6. Good thing the quilt is lap size so you can keep warm while stitching outside. I imagine it must be a bit chilly today! We have had a few dustings of snow already. I can't wait till the snow comes and stays!

  7. Do you live near that body of water? Perfectly peaceful place to stitch, I'd say. Enjoy the weather while you can. It is too cold here to be outside stitching. We even had our first snowflakes a few days ago.

  8. Hope you had a great day of hand stitching. With the overcast skies, it looks like it might have been a bit cool. But that makes it just right to have a quilt in your lap to stitch.

  9. Wow, what a setting! Is this home? I'd just sit out there all day, I'm afraid!

  10. Lovely place to sit and stitch! How are you doing? Hugs! :)
