
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Scrappy Saturday - Loving the Leaves

I am still obsessed with enjoying this pumpkin seed/orange peel/ leaf shape.  I even found a beautiful FREE online pattern by Susan Brubaker Knapp for using these leaf shapes - Leaves of Green.
I am appliqueing them by hand and find it very relaxing. The worst part is the prep work, getting the shapes traced and cut, and ready to sew for when I have a few moments to stitch.

The colour of the month for the Rainbow Scrappers is black, which is not a colour I tend to gravitate to in terms of purchasing fabric, but I do seem to use it for dramatic contrast in quilts (see Carolina Crossroads and Pointsettia Stars - which is still a UFO!) So I do have a lot of black scraps to use up this month, and I am getting to work!
This is my first black block which is almost finished.
To see more rainbow challenge projects, hop over to SoScrappy.


  1. great black prints! what is the block called? it looks great!

  2. Your black fabrics are great. Perfect looking needle turn too. The prep work is a bear, but once it is done, finding time to stitch a bit is always a pleasure.

  3. I agree that all the prep work can be a drag, but it makes it so much easier to get some stitching done when you have a few minutes free. What is the ruler/tool you show in the first photo?

  4. Love your elegant pumpkin seeds! Beautiful fabrics.

  5. Those black blocks will add a definite sparkle of contrast to your quilt. You're getting really good at the applique!!!

  6. I really like the dramatic contrast with these pumpkin seeds! Ditto on wondering about the ruler...I'm thinking about this block for next year's RSC and will take every tip I can find!

  7. I like what I see... great fabrics in your black block!

  8. A great way to use your scraps, it's going to be very effective!!

  9. Very pretty, I really like the contrast.

  10. I love your black and white peels.

  11. Hehe! I am still having so much fun making these. Great for when you don't want to concentrate too much or think. Your corners look awesome!

  12. Looking GREAT! I love black with whites, greys and taupes....beautiful

  13. Wow! Love the way these peels look in black!

  14. Love that pumpkin seed shape! Very interesting in your deep dark scraps :)

  15. the leaves template looks a great idea, not seen one of those before. Like the black and white together so fresh looking

  16. These look like a great way to practice applique... I'm keeping them in mind for next year!

  17. This is a lovely project. Your curves are so even and the points so pointy! :o)
