
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Crisis Management

I have been rereading my favorite Anne Lamott books. Her writing helps me to feel more hopeful when life is hard. I have been taking her advice while going through  another/bigger health crisis with my brother (I wrote about him many times before on my blog - you can check it out here
Photo by Anne Lamott
He had been waiting for a throat surgery to repair cavernous vascular hemangioma in his throat. That surgery was going to be extensive and required approx. 14 hours under anesthetic. It was decided that he was not strong enough to tolerate the anesthetic for that amount of time, because it was eventually discovered that he had an 8 cm tumour (possibly thymic) between his heart and lungs, with metastasized cancer in the lungs.
The oncology appointment for today was cancelled since all the test results aren't back yet. More waiting.
So what to do?
Breathe, pray and be kind. 
My sweet niece Ellen knows how to be loving and kind. 
What else can you do?
Oh yah...quilt!

I have been working on my "accidental quilt" again.

It is really great to always have an easy project at the ready to do some mindless sewing when you need it. Here are the blocks ready for cutting, pressing and trimming while I breathe.


  1. Thoughts and prayers for you and family to have lots of strength and comfort.

  2. Continuing to keep you and your brother in my prayers.
    I wish I was close enough to do something kind. Glad you have a niece who knows how to do that.

  3. Hopes and prayers for your brother, waiting is the worst part, but hopefully he is getting the care that he needs. Hope that your quilt will help keep you busy if not distracted.

  4. My thoughts are with you. Many a time quilting has helped me in times of stress.

  5. What a sweet niece. Am praying for better news for your brother.

  6. Sorry to read of the complications that your brother is facing. My thoughts are with you and your family and your brother as well. I am sure he is in good hands and getting the care that he needs.

  7. My daughter, Chrissy, had metastasized breast cancer. I will pray for you and your brother.

  8. Take care. Still praying for all of you. Quilting will keep you sane

  9. I am really sorry, Kathy...sounds like you brother needs to come to our unit! Many hugs, and hope it all goes all well as it possibly can.

  10. Wishing all goes well. Hugs and more hugs.

  11. I hope you can find comfort in your reading and your quilting Kathy!

  12. Take care...positive thoughts and prayers going your way...

  13. I'm sorry Kathy! I'm continuing to pray for you and your brother!!!

  14. You know, there are just those days when mindless sewing is the best medicine.

  15. My brother is fighting a battle with the same enemy. My prayers are with you and your family.

  16. So sorry about the tough times with your brother. Hope you can keep calm and fight on.

  17. Sending hugs and prayers to you and your brother.

  18. Sending big hugs to you. Stay positive...and if the quilting it helping all the better!

  19. My heart goes out to you and your brother.

  20. The being kind part is hard when every thing around you is in turmoil. It really is the best mindset to be in though, to help your brother. Being mad & revengeful only makes your blood pressure go high and your mind hurt. I'm saying prayers for you & your family. Hope is eternal!!

  21. Marvelous quote . . . prayers for what you need today and in the days ahead.

  22. As I read your post I wish I could you a hug. May knowing I am prayering for good news and healing for your brother bring some comfort. God be with you.

  23. Sending hugs and prayers for your brother.

  24. My thoughts and prayers for your brother.
