
Thursday, May 09, 2013

The effect of small changes

I embroidered a little piece for the Stitch Me Up blog hop back in March. The problem was that I didn't like it when it was almost finished, and it was headed to the (very full) UFO closet.  So many creative ideas were shared in the 
comments on that post that were helpful to me. I enjoyed reading all the suggestions of how I could improve this project and decided to start with these 3 small changes:
1) I will call it "vintagewhich means "old" or "of a previous era", and insist that I meant to create a vintage effect!
2) add green thread into the swirly flowers designs - great idea and I love it!
3) quilt some swirly designs in the empty spaces.
I basted the little quilt and did some hand quilting with beige thread, and with a single strand of green floss, and I was amazed at how the texture brought it to life and made me like it so much more. Just wait until you see when I'm done. This really reminded me how small changes can really make a big difference!


  1. So pretty Kathy. Glad you stuck with it.

  2. I agree with Deb. this is very pretty and I will be watching to see out it ends up!

  3. Good for you, rescuing that future UFO! It looks great and looking forward to seeing the end result :)

  4. Very cute stitching. The green is perfect addition to it. We all need a little Green in our life.

  5. So pretty. It's so true though. Just a little change can make us look at it totally different!

  6. I love the magic that happens when you add some quilting stitches with embroidery! I think it looks wonderful, hope it doesn't go back to the closet!

  7. Love the additions to your embroidery.
