
Monday, May 06, 2013

Mystery Monday

Nothing much has changed on my design wall this week. This is still how my design wall looks today. 
I really want to finish sewing these RRBC blocks together, so I'll keep at it until I'm done.
I've been busy traveling this week, so haven't had much sewing time.

I love fountains!

Does this fountain give you a hint of where I am?

How about this photo?
This is soap that looked and smelled good enough to eat!

Does this clue give it away!

Can I park here or not?!?

Have a great week!


  1. LOL...parking signs! We get upset with the college daughter getting so any tickets at school...then we went up for a day and got one ourselves! I think they make them confusing just so we get tickets! Hope you are having fun wherever you are...and I hope you are not getting parking tickets! LOL ! Your design wall is beautiful right now!

  2. There's a fountain like that in Dallas ... But no French no-parking signs ... Hmm ...

  3. Your in the Quebec province. One signs indicated there is no parking from April to Dec and the other no parking from Monday to Friday.
    Hope your having a great time.

  4. No clue where you were, but it looked like fun. Except if you got a ticket there :/ Hope you get your Mystery finished up soon. Will you quilt it or send it out?

  5. French speaking and I can read that sign! Montreal since I'm guessing it is too cold up in Quebec City for fountains to be running. The other option - are you in Europe - France?

  6. I love your Bonnie Hunter quilt, I finished mine but not nearly as big as the original. Have a good trip.

  7. Love how your RRCB is looking!

  8. I guessed Montreal...and then saw the next post! I should recognize my hometown right?
