
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Treadling on Tuesday

Look at the wonderful spool pin doily that Mary so generously sent to me! I just love it!
I had tried to learn to crochet one of these using the spool pin doily instructions posted on the Quiltville blog, but it was not working out well for me.  I learned that crocheting involves a whole new set of skills!

My first attempt was looking more like a machine cover, than a spool pin doily...
way too big and full of holes.

Just look how perfect Mary's doily looks on my treadle! 
See the little flower decal peeking out from under the doily...cute!
It protects the machine from wear and tear when the thread spool spins around when I'm treadling at top speed, AND it looks adorable too!
Thanks again Mary!


  1. I like that one! I've tried crocheting too, but gave up and made my husband tat me one! LOL

  2. Mary does a great job on those, doesn't she? And she is very generous with them! It looks perfect on your machine. : )

  3. You can Thank my patient Mother who taught me to Crochet when I was young. I learned to knit first, and when she showed me how to crochet I didn't try to knit again until recently. My grandma tried to teach me to TAT, no luck. I only put knots in the thread, and not in the right places. You are so welcome, Kathy. My momma taught me to Share...

  4. Speaking of sharing...looks like I may be in need of some of those spool doilies...although I know how to crochet!
    I acquired a 1918 Singer Sphinx treadle machine.It needs a little work on the cabinet and needs a new belt. After that I will put up a pic so you can see "Lenny" named after her owner.May also be looking for some adivice on getting parts!!
