
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Treadling my Coins

Little scraps are like little coins. 
Small, unimportant, thrown out by many.
In Canada the littlest coin, the penny, is so unimportant, it's not even being made anymore!

But in my sewing room, even the tiniest bits are welcome and will always be put to good use! 
Every little bit counts, and pennies eventually add up.
I am treadling small bits onto adding machine paper and making wonderful strips of scraps. Can't wait to see how great this quilt will be!


  1. I agree about the little bits. I also love just sewing the strings together, no worry about seams matching or if it is cut the exact width or length. Glad your having fun!

  2. I am looking forward to seeing it as well. I love the look of many little fabric pieces stitched together. It certainly adds a lot of interest to a quilt.

  3. I've been thinking about coin quilts and stacked quilts. Thanks for the reminder that sewing scraps to paper is one way to control these small pieces of fabric.

  4. I'd never thought to use adding machine tape. How fun this will be!
    Didn't know they weren't making the penny in Canada anymore. Interesting. I still have a few from my last visit a couple of years ago.

  5. I agree too. Here in the states, they are talking about stopping making the penny and I hate that. When I am walking in parking lots or to my car, I'll find lost pennies. I think of them as pennies from Heaven...I like your scrap idea of using the adding machine tape. I have some of that that I'm not using anymore, I'll start using it for my scraps. Wonderful idea!

  6. Very fun! Somehow the smaller the scraps, the more precious they seem! Great idea to use the adding machine paper to keep the strips straight.

  7. You are making good use of those precious little coins (scraps). I read the other day that it costs two cents to make our USA penny.

  8. OH the poor penny!
    WE still have it in the US and I'm glad because it has my man Abe on the front.
    scrap projects are so fun can't wait to see more.

  9. I love pennies, too, and was not happy when they quit making them here (Canada); parly because afterwards they admitted they lied about the actual savings of not making pennies.

    I never would have thought of adding machine paper, either. Would love it if you did a short piece on how you do that and how you put them all together. I could probably figure it out, but photos help a lot. Thanks for the idea. I save ALL my tiny scraps and the strings, too. The tiniest (corners snipped from squares when I make a hexie) I plan to imprison between two silk scarves, then stitch over them in a sort of quilting fashion. Not high on my 'to-make' list, so no pictures anywhere near my immediate horizon. ~ Linne

  10. I can't imagine there not being a does that work with GST and the odd prices that come up due to tax?

  11. I think this may be my first visit the idea of using a roll of adding machine paper for those little scrap bits...I have one or two I've been packing around for years - maybe decades - and now I know how I'll use it. Thank you for this 'light bulb moment' :)
