
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring is here!

Spring has sprung - on the calendar only! 
The weather is still very much winter here... cold, blustery and snowy. I haven't spotted one single robin yet this year! 
And I have been procrastinating on my UFO report because I have not made the progress I had hoped to by mid-month. I only have the first border on so far. I want to add one more dark border, baste, quilt, and bind it in the next 10 days! 
I will "Be positive"!
To see more mid-month UFO reports, click here.

Another new beginning to announce is the Stitch Me Up blog hop. 
Hop over and visit the many beautiful embroidery projects. 
My day to post is Monday, so I sure do hope I finish my project by then! I am working on it...slow and steady, just like a turtle!
Happy Stitching!


  1. I really don't know how you do it! I am having a hard time getting motivated to do anything. Now I could say it is the winter weather but I love the snow. Could it just be Spring fever and I have a bad case of it? not sure.All your projects will get done in good time I know you!!!

  2. this is looking good, well done getting so much done so far lol

  3. I love your Beatitudes quilt!!!! I have it, but haven't even started.

  4. BeAttitudes looks wonderful! What a great quilt. Ten days, huh? Go for it! : )

  5. I love that BE patient quilt, is that your pattern? it's cute...

  6. I have a ton of the little spools of thread that you are showing in your pic (i inherited it) but I have no idea what it is used for. Is it strictly for embroidery. I know I have well over a hundred skeins of floss that I am using in my cross stitch (also inherited) but I never saw these small balls of thread before. Incidentally, your work is beautiful.

  7. At least you've done something so far on your UFO. Good luck reaching your goal this month.
