
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Treadling scraps on Tuesday

Mary posed a great question on her blog last small is too small? It was quite interesting to read the comments on that post, and the wide ranges of sizes that quilters keep or toss in the garbage. 
I have always been reluctant to part with any scraps, and have adopted many scraps from friends who don't have the same scrap hoarding problem interest as I do. At times I worry that I have caught some kind of rare and untreatable sickness, and at other times I think I must be the luckiest quilter alive to have all these treasures!

I love treadling small scraps into larger pieces and then foundation piecing them onto 3" x 10"  adding machine tape blocks.
Here are my 5 most recently treadled blocks that will join the Coin Collection...yep, that's the quilt's new name!


  1. I also have hoarding tendancies, but not the tiny pieces like you hoard! I have too much fabric and I am trying to do some stash reduction. Problem is that I went to see Pam at Mad about Patchwork yesterday on our way home from Ottawa. I came home with 3 bags full...Yikes. I better get sewing! I love what you are doing with your scraps. I have a drawerful that I should use to make something someday... Have a great treadling day!

  2. Your creativity is inspiring, Kathy. :)

  3. Kathy -- I love the improve scrappy blocks and recently put together a few for a backing I am doing for the paper piece quilt. I almost liked them to well and made a quilt top out of them but I knew I needed to make more backing so now this is going to be a great surprise on the back of this quilt. I to am a fabric "collector" and often grab up scraps that others toss aside. I was in a strip piece class about a year ago and some of the ladies were tossing 8 - 10 inches of sewn together jelly rolls making the overall scrap about 8 by 10 -- at first they teased me but then I put them all together and made a small quilt to donate using only the scraps that they were sending to the trash and it was beautiful.

  4. Great idea. I see lots of crumb quilting like this recently. It's a new trend to use up every bit! Looks so pretty when you use up those little pieces!

  5. Thanks for giving me something to think about - often on my Project Linus quilts I need to insert a smallish strip to make my backings large enough. I'm going to try doing some improv/scrap piecing for that strip.

    I don't quilt these very heavily so I don't think the bulk will be a problem. I don't like to throw away much I've concluded~!

  6. Coin collection--great name! Fun blocks, too.
    I battle the "small" question, as well--especially since I don't do crumb piecing. But I do make tiny stuff sometimes and those bitsy pieces are useful--but can I really save and use them all, can I?
    You get the idea. That is the battle that rages constantly, within my mind.

  7. I would guess that size of scraps saved would be determined by what you make. If you are a paper piecer, you might keep much smaller pieces than if you made quick quilts made with big pieces. Personally I love paper piecing, and when required to make a 10" or 12" block I'm a fish out of water. What ever kind of scrap user you are there is the matter of yardage costs and space available to save. My stash is out of control. I'm lucky I bought before the price went sooooooo high, and I'm retired so money is short.

  8. I have the same problem, addiction, joy with scraps. I can't part with them either.
    The crumb strips are fun!

  9. I caught that sickness too... in fact I think I was born with it :o) I get teased for diving into waste bins to retrieve the tiniest of scraps. Can't bare to see fabric thrown away. Love what you are doing with your little bits.... very inspiring!

  10. I'm guilty of being a dumpster diver when it comes to scraps others throw away. I use them for crumb blocks and string blocks. I think it is more challenging to come up with a pretty quilt using what you have than buying all new fabric and following a pre-determined color scheme. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! lol
