
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

No Place Like Home - Quilt Whispering

This is a wallhanging project that I have been working on for a while but it got stalled and I couldn't figure out what the problem was.
I am well aware that this is the stage where a project can begin the death march to the UFO closet!
I was determined to figure out the problem.
***Is it too hard or technically challenging? 
No...this is an easy and fun pattern to sew.
***Don't like the fabric or colour combination?
No...I was loving working with the plaid scraps that were leftover from other quilts I've made.
***Losing interest and working on too many other things?
Well, yes, but I still really wanted to finish this one.
And then I came to me. The problem was that I really love it!  So why did that stall the project then?  
Because apparently I didn't want to give it away as a Christmas gift as I had intended, and that is why it just wasn't coming together in December.  I am planning to move this year, and this quilt wants to come with me wherever I move to!

Well, why didn't you just say so? LOL
Sometimes you have to be a patient "quilt whisperer" to discern the problem!!
Once I figured that out, it has been going great! I have made a few changes to the blocks...different kinds of buildings, made lighter coloured windows (to show that the lights are on and someone is home!) and mixed up the row layouts, etc.  So fun!
What is stalling one of your projects? Just go whisper in it's ear... "what is your problem?" and see what you learn!


  1. Kathy, the quilt whisperer! Glad your quilt is getting progress made on it and it will be going to a good home - yours! Moving? Near where you are or a big move? Good luck - It is a very challenging process.

  2. Love it - you are so funny! I am glad to hear that you and the quilt got things all worked out.

    Will you be moving locally? I want to downsize but my husband doesn't....yet.

  3. It is a wise woman who can hear the reflected whispers of her own heart.

  4. I have quite a few that are whispering that it's ok if I can't do the fancy quilting that I see in my mind. They are fine with a simpler version. They are just getting lonely all folded up and hiding.

    I have a contest on my blog today to win one of four free patterns, in celebration of my 1000 post.

  5. So clever of you to figure this out, Kathy. Then it should go with you wherever you go to help make it home.
    I love it. I don't know what the original pattern looks like, but what you have created looks very good to me!

  6. Come on over to my closet to figure out my problem Miss Quilt Wisperer! LOL...I have not even looked at my UFOs! LOL

  7. Oh, I really do understand. A little over a year ago I stalled on an applique BOM that I was feeling intimidated by. I put the finished blocks (5 of 12) aside but I could hear them murmering to me. When I took them out again they told me they would make a lovely quilt with just some joining blocks and I didn't have to try to make the rest. Since them I have been working on joining blocks in EQ and soon they will become a beautiful throw rather than a fancy bed quilt. Sometimes you just have to be quiet and listen.

  8. I love the story of this quilt whisperer. You told it in a unique way so I may have to go and whisper to some of my UFO's.

  9. You are a great quilt whisperer, Kathy! I must be more deaf than I thought since mine don't speak to me the same way, with as much persistence. Maybe I need to leave the closet door open so those UFOs can shout!

  10. Great post! It took me a while to get a grip on why, why and why? as I excavated my UFO Collection last fall. Mine were practically shouting at me by the end. Now they are offering gentle encouragement. lol

  11. It is really hard to give our quilts away sometimes!
    I love your "homey" quilt!

  12. Four UFOs have whispered to me this month that they ae happy to stop growing and find life as donations to our neonatal unit. Today I made backs for all of them and will release them to my LA quilter!

    Good to listen to the quilt top!

  13. I've got some projects with the same problems. In most cases I just made something were every single step was learning something new. And I was longing not to be a beginner all the time.

  14. what a great project! I love the quirky houses and trees. Glad you are getting this one done

  15. I am glad to know someone else "hears" her quilts. Glad this one let it be known that it is not going any where.
