
Monday, January 14, 2013

Design Wall Monday #2

Easy Street is growing in my quilting room!
I have 9 blocks made: 5 A blocks and 4 B blocks, and all the parts ready for the remaining 16 blocks.
It's looking very green to me right now, and I'm not loving it, but with the right borders and binding, and maybe quilting it in purple thread, I'm sure I'll like it more!
Hop over to Patchwork Times to check out more design walls.


  1. I'm about where you are Kathy. I have about the same number of blocks done and about half of the setting triangles done. All the rest of the A blocks are kitted up and ready to be sewn. Since I love lime green, this quilt is one of my favorites. I think it really looks great though when it is finished up with borders and quilting :*)

  2. I'm w you on that! I don't like all of the GREEN! I like green, but not that shade! I hope it gets more Blue or purple even....

  3. I think there's a fair amount of purple and green. So when I look at your quilt I see a wonderful blend. Looks great to me!!

  4. Wow! I love your progress and your fabric choices are so very nice!

    Some day...when I have a lull in the applique...but until then, I can live vicariously through your progress!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  5. I like the colours a lot...but if the green is bothering you, I agree that you can make it less of a focus colour when you add your borders.

  6. Hi!!! OH!!! I love it the green and all!!!

  7. I like your quilt. Once the borders are on, there will be less green standing out.

  8. the green is very lively but I think adding in purple stiching is realy going to bring the balance to this quilt. Great job. is there a pattern avaliable for this quilt or is it something ofline?

  9. The green does seem to be the strongest at this point. If you don't love that, maybe a narrow blue and wider purple border will calm it for you. I wish I was as far along as you are. I have one of each block made and everything is cut. Period. : )

  10. That's a lot of progress. Personally, I was drawn to the blue and purple when I look at it! Beautiful.

  11. It is beautiful. But I think you are right. It will be even more beautiful if it gets more purple. Maybe in the borders?

  12. I like it, maybe a blue border to match the blue in your quilt will make you like it more! I've not had the nerve to use a colored thread for quilting yet!

  13. Great work on your Easy Street. Mine is just a dab farther along and I agree with quilt too is looking very green. I do like green, but I think I would have been happier if the center square of the B blocks was purple. BUT, I'm not going to rip anything out! Too lazy!!

  14. Your Easy Street is looking beautiful! I like the idea of purple quilting thread - might steal that one for my own quilt.

  15. Love the idea of purple thread. I think you if you are not in love with it now, you can really make it yours with some borders to highlight the colors you want to bring forward. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out. I really need to get back to mine - part way through step 5.

  16. I think the same of my Easy Street! A big border of any other color will tone down the "green". I've got mine to this same point. Ready to sew some blocks together.

  17. I'm thinking a blue border would pull out the blues.
    I'm sewing my blocks together now. That quilt is taking over my sewing room. haha.

  18. I agree that a border in another color will help tame the green a bit. What is up looks great.

  19. Looks like what I have been sewing! Finished my final block last night.
