
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Votes For Women Wednesday

I finished another block for the Grandmother's Choice BOW (or "Votes For Women" as I like to call it).
This is block #11 Little Red Schoolhouse: Lucy Stone.
This was quite a challenge to sew and I ended up drafting a paper pieced pattern to sew the roof piece. It didn't quite meet up with the chimneys,
and it looks a little odd, but I am fine with that.
I really enjoyed learning about Lucy Stone and found her life story to be very inspiring. She worked so hard just for the privilege of getting an education. Much of her biography, that was written by her daughter, can be read on line (click here). I love that her last statement to her daughter was:
"Make the world better".
Some quilters who are sewing these blocks each week are putting the sashings on as they make the blocks. You can hop over to see Cathy's version here, and visit the Flickr group to see a lot of examples of blocks and layout ideas.  It sure is a great idea for putting together the quilt. However, I enjoy moving the blocks around too much at the end to get a balanced layout. Well, technically I do that...sometimes they just sit in a box for years first, so maybe I should consider this plan to have a finished quilt sooner?  When the year is over, those quilters will have a finished top, and I'll just have a pile of blocks and another UFO! 
Can't wait to get started on the next block!


  1. Looks great Kathy! I agree with you on moving things around at the end.... although I'd love to add just the bottom one with the name on it to each block as I go..... starting sometime in January!

  2. I think the block looks great, whether everything meets up the way you want or not.
    I'm with you, on the sewing the sashing on as you go. I have to play with the layout when everything is made. But for me the end of the story could be that I run out of steam and everything doesn't get made. : )

  3. Like you, I also enjoy playing with all the finished blocks on my design wall before deciding on the final positioning. OTOH, I'm not sure block position is going to be all that important when all 50 something blocks are completed. I already know how I want to set and sash my blocks, so maybe doing some "assemble as you go" is not a bad idea!

  4. Great block! I like playing around with the layouts too much to be able to decide my settings before I have all the blocks.
