
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Votes for Women Wednesday

Not everyone loves sewing individual blocks for a quilt, but I really do. I love the look of a sampler quilt, and the challenge of making each block from a different pattern. 
I'm almost caught up with the block of the week with Barbara Brackman. 
This is block #5 called Suffrage Pioneer. The 'X' in the block symbolizes womens' right to vote.
Oh me, my block looks much better in real life than on the computer screen!  It was a fun one to sew and came out to the perfect size.

This is block #6 called "Aunt Eliza's Star".  The history lesson about Eliza Custis and child custody issues reminded me how much legal rights have improved for women. It was very interesting for me to be thinking about this while watching the US presidential debate.


  1. I like your block! I'm doing a Dear Jane and it's hard to keep up. Your post has me thinking I need to get some of Dear Jane out and done. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Nice block! Thank you for the link to the history lesson about Eliza Custis and the history of child custody issues. I had no idea.

  3. Great looking blocks. I agree, the lesson on how far we have come and how much we take for granted is priceless.

  4. Very nice blocks. Sampler quilts were my fist quilting love and initially about all I made. I still have one going in the background, but I admit that I don't do as many as I used to.

  5. Your sampler quilts look great because of your consistency with colors throughout--your experience shows! Love the fall background in your second block's photo :)

  6. I did the Brackman civil war sampler and loved her blog! didn't do this one though but love the colors you are using.

    I am envious of your treadle. that is the machine I learned to sew on! I was 10 and my sis was 8. lots of times we would take turns on our hands and knees pushing the pedal while the other sewed. When my mom got an new fangled electric machine, the old treadle went out to pasture. I could kick her and myself for that move! Oh, well, enjoy your beauty.

  7. Your blocks turned out beautifully!
