
Monday, October 01, 2012

September Quilt Square Quilt Along

Finally finished my September block for the quilt along. It wasn't a hard one to sew, and I have no idea why it required so many re-sews! And after all that effort, it looks a little wonky. Oh well, it's done.  When I put the blocks up on the design wall earlier in the month, I thought I needed to add in more brown, but this block looks darker than the rest, so I might change out that border...we'll see. The brown stripe looks really psychedelic on my computer screen...does it on yours?!?
Check out the other September quilt along blocks over at Jo's Country Junction (for some reason I can't link up to the right post, so you'll have to wade through to find the block parade).


  1. Yes, the brown looks more iridescent than striped to me--and that effect may be why it looks wonky to you. Those wavy looking lines are kind of eye fooling. : )

  2. I figured I just needed my coffee first for my eyes to adjust =). I agree with Janet - the wavy lines are just making you think it is wonky. Looks good to me - great job on the finish.

  3. How cute is that!?! They say quilts are supposed to have "movement" in order to be successful... if that's the case, your quilt is definitely successful LOL!!!! It kind of looks like sand ripples to me - really interesting :*)

  4. Cute little quilt. Love the wavy lines, movement, in the brown fabric.
