
Friday, August 17, 2012

Freaky Friday

So it's TUSAL day and FNSI...but guess what else?!
I met my quilting twin today! Or is it all just coincidence?
We are both named Kathy, we both have quilting blogs (click here to see hers), and we both submitted a scrappy quilt to the Quilting Gallery this week. But even more bizarre is we are listed beside each other, and we submitted the SAME quilt, with the SAME name!!!
Are you saying "NO WAY"! Yes, way! How crazy is that!
So Kathy emailed me this morning, and I have been smiling about it ever since! What are the odds of this happening?!? My twin's spiderweb quilt has black fabric where I have purple, but we constructed the blocks in the same way with a consistent fabric for outside ring around the webs, the same thin inner border and the piano key scrappy border. It is so fun to think about Kathy sitting in another country, sewing her scraps into the same quilt blocks as I was. Two strangers with the same name, making the same quilts, calling them the same thing, and then posting them on the same website!?!?
Go check it out at the Quilting Gallery - click here. You can see a great quilt show, and vote for your 5 favorite quilts, and don't hesitate to vote for the Kathy Twins!! LOL


  1. And you both posed your quilts with the same background! Very fun to know your twin has the same joy with color and fabric play :)

  2. Wow, that is quite the coincidence. I am glad you wee able to meet your quilting twin. It is a beautiful quilt.

  3. Wow! Thats so cool! It must mean that you were meant to connect in your fun! The quilts are so beautiful, I want to make one like that one both color schemes.

  4. I saw that this morning. Had to look twice. Good luck.

  5. I think that is awesome. Both quilts are great.

    good luck

  6. Very cool! Now I want to make a scrappy spider-web quilt too!

  7. Twins? Maybe they are both you and you didn't know it. LOL! It is Freaky Friday.

  8. How fun to find your quilting twin! Amy is mine-- both teachers with three kids running marathons and making Bonnie Hunter quilts. We should all go find our mirror images! Love your quilt! So pretty.

  9. Wow - that's almost spooky! Especially when you see that you both posed the quilts the same way too :*) Definitely separated at birth! Good luck on your quilt - it's a great string quilt!

  10. Very funny story! My daughter has a twin story like that..both Katie's, both had broken arm, both played soccer, both had same welcome Matt, both dads worked from home, both middle names the same, and on and on. They had a ball with this from kindergarten to 3rd grade! Might be even more fun as adults! Great quilt...I love it. Your photo is nice enough to be a poster?

  11. wowww!che quilt favoloso!!!
    Ciao Sara

  12. That is freaky!! Both reat quilts :)

  13. That's really cool... :) I once met a quilter that had the same name as me...both first and last. Neat when these things happen :)

  14. I told my husband and he said "is that supposed to be true?" I was like "totally!" That is just too funny, I like your quilt!

  15. How funny. That's just too much for conincidence, it must be some type of cosmic intercept.
