
Saturday, June 09, 2012

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Purple

My purple Knot block is sewn together and I think it's my favorite one so far! (To see my other Knot blocks - click here.)
There were not as many cute images to fussy cut out in my purple scraps, but I sure had a wide variety, from the light lilacs to the blueish purples to the deep violets

I also started sewing some purple crumb blocks. Sewing with small scraps can sure make a big mess in a hurry! It's raining today, so I hope to spend some time playing with my crumbs. Hop over to SoScrappy and see the other purple projects being created.


  1. Purple knot looks great! I think I see some of the same purples I have in my stash.

  2. It's so pretty, Kathy!

    I think the crumb mess would give me a headache, but I'm glad you are enjoying the playtime.

  3. Such a pretty purple knot block. Looking forward to seeing what you make with your purple crumbs :D

  4. Love the purple knot block! So many pretty shades of purple. Have fun with your crumbs, they make a mess, but are SO cute.

  5. I checked out your other blocks, this will make a stunning quilt with the different rainbow colors. The purple does stand out, wonder what it is about purple, they all look great.

  6. Lovely, shading is very nice.

  7. The shading on this is beautiful. I love purple, but most of mine are repros. They wouldn't have looked so pretty.

  8. Purple yumminess. I can't tell if you are using a foundation for your Crumb blocks? I got my Prize package in the mail today. Thanks for choosing my name in your Give-away. I'll need to use the pins on my Farmer's wife Sampler soon.

  9. Very pretty blocks. Purple is one of my favorite colors to work with.

  10. Beautiful block Kathy! Have fun playing with your crumbs today!

  11. Love the little butterfly in the corner. Your knot blocks are going to look great together. Hope you had fun playing with crumbs.

  12. Beautiful block -- definitely a regal collection of fabrics in this one.
    I enjoy playing with crumbs and scraps, but the mess -- oh, that mess!

  13. love the way the color fades. I had to look at ALL the blocks! How big are the blocks??

  14. Your block looks great - I really like the way you arranged the different shades. Purple is such a pretty colour.

  15. So nice to see a block in purple...such an under used colour! Love it!
