
Friday, May 04, 2012

RCQG A Gathering of Quilts

My quilt guild, the Royal City Quilters' Guild, of which I have been a faithful member for almost 20 years, is having their quilt show today and tomorrow. We only host a show every three years and it is always spectacular (and I am not biased in any way)!  Not to mention that you will meet the finest humans on the planet, not that I'm prone to exaggeration or anything...I just love these women for all that they have done to help me along in my life, and in my quilting journey. It promises to be a very inspiring show!  I can't get there until tomorrow, so don't tell me how wonderful it is if you've already been! If you come to the show after lunch, I'll serve you in the tea room...see you there!


  1. It sounds like you kind of like this show. : )
    No guilds in my area put on shows. I wish one would.
