
Monday, February 20, 2012

Design Wall Monday #8

On my design wall this morning was the same as the last two weeks. I think that is a personal record for me (in a negative, not making any progress, kind of way)! 
The pattern is called "Hip Baby".  I changed some of the blocks to use up the smaller scraps. This is my February UFO, so I have 10 more days to finish the quilt. 
I have finally gathered up the blocks and hope to have them sewn together in a finished top before the day is ended. There is just enough fabric left for a binding and a backing, so this quilt probably won't be getting a border.
To see other design wall postings, hop over to Patchwork Times.


  1. I really like that color scheme. Your choice of fabrics is great.

  2. I like your choice of colors also.

  3. HA! Well, I finally ordered this pattern. You caught me just after I had balanced my checkbook and finished paying bills and there was something left over! I've been wanting this pattern for so long, I took it as a sign that I should just go ahead and get it :D I don't know why - I have a collection of patterns so vast, I will have to live to be 125 to make quilts from all of them.

  4. love the look of this, and without a border makes it more modern, just like the blocks and colors.

  5. Lime green and turquoise! Two of my favs so of course I love what you're doing! Looks great so far!

  6. This is how I seem to be these days, the wall doesn't change or change much. I think I used to try to compete with more prolific quilters and now I am just plugging along at my own pace. Much more restful and fun.

  7. This is a very fun pattern. I like your colors (even the dark blue!). : )
    Do you have a destination for this one?

  8. This is very cool - love the colors and the design. Simple but very effective.

  9. My UFO progress is only slightly changed this week too! Glad there was SOME progress and you'll get a finish out of it in the next 10 days!

  10. It's making progress -- slow and steady. I like this quilt a lot so I enjoy seeing it. When my wall doesn't have anything new I grab something I'm sewing on by hand -- variety and reminds me to work on it!

  11. progress or not, is well worth looking at for two weeks. I LOVE the colors!!!! I think I'm going to have to acquire some more yardage and scraps in that colors range!!!!!

  12. Well, I'm like the colors in this one so well that I'm quite happy to see it again. For your frame of mind, however, I hope you get to make some progress this next week.

  13. Like your design wall, mine isn't drastically changing. I like the blue in this quilt.

  14. Who cares if those blocks have been on your design wall for weeks, I love looking at them and I'm guessing you do too! Great colors!

  15. Yes, I'm down to the wire too. I had to get out my UFO for February today.
    I like the blue and green combo. Good luck getting it all sewn together.

  16. love the colors in this one. The UFO challenge really seems to be working well for you! Good job.

  17. I think it looks great as is and really doesn't "need" a border.

  18. It doesn't need a border...hope you were able to get it done as you'd hoped. Sandi

  19. Thats a great quilt - you CAN get it done!! Go Go Go ;-)
